I'm Okay

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Happy New Years everyone. I hope you guys are enjoying my story and I'm not boring you. I know I'm not a good writer but I am trying to better myself. Love you guys <3

So the character is going to have my name which is Tyjai. Its pronounced Tie Jay. I'm just telling you guys because people mispronounced my name all the time.

Jake POV

I walked all the to the hospital and on my way to looking for everyone I see Oliver parents crying. I start to sprint down the hallway first I found Junior then Devon's room. I run in to Tyjai.

"Oh my god!" "You're okay?" I said relieved. "Yeah the doctor said that I'll be fine." "I just have a couple burn marks but she gave me this ointment to put on." The girl said showing me her arms. "Do you remember what we were talking about before you blacked out?" I say with slight panic. "No everything is kinda a blur." She said shaking her head. "Some birthday right?" she said sarcastically. "Oh well it wasn't important." I said with a nervous chuckle. "Have you seen Junior?" The girl asked. "Yeah he's in room 307." "Thank you." the girl said walking down the hall.

-time skips

Devon walks out of the room and noticing me.

"Hey" he says. "Hey!" I said in response. "How's Junior doing?" The boy said placing his hand on my shoulder. "I think hes okay."I said shrugging. "How are you." I say quickly changing the subject. "No  permanent damage just going to be stuck with a sexy smoker voice for a while." Devon joked. "My phone got it worse than me." "I dropped it running out the house its all busted." Devon said pulling the phone out of his pocket. "I'm sorry" I say. No its okay-" Devon started. "No I mean I'm sorry about the fire and Oliver it must have been so scary." I said feeling bad. "I was kinda bummed you weren't there at first, but now I just glad your safe." Devon said smiling. "Hey can I tell you something." Devon said looking around. "I'm not supposed to tell anyone and no one knows it, but I can't can not tell anyone." "And I know you won't say anything." Devon said rambling. "Oliver was stabbed to death." "During the fire or right before." "Do they know who did it?" I said nervously. "No clue it could of been and intruder or someone at the party." "Either way there is a killer out there." Devon said. "Sorry I don't mean to freak you out." He said concerned. "No you don't freak me out." "My mom asked me about your doll. "What about him?" I said worried. "She asked if I had seen it at the party." "You gave it to Lexy's sister right? Devon asked. "Right." I agree nodding my head. "When she ask about it be careful." He said gettingup from the chair. "She has these ideas about you but she doesn't know you like I do." He says smiling. "See ya." Devon waves goodbye. "See ya." I say waving goodbye.

Tyjai POV

I find Junior's room and knock on the door lightly.

"Come in" Junior says. "Hey, how are you feeling?" I asked. "I mean I guess I'm fine." He said unsure. "I'm not going to able to run for a least a month because of the damage to my lungs." "And my dad is really pissed." Junior says. "But that's good news right?" I say. "You don't even like cross country." I say crossing my arms. "Are you okay!?" Junior shouted looking at my arms. "Yes I'm completely fine." "I just a couple of burns." "Well your arms don't look fine." "Are you even supposed to be out of bed?" He say sounding very worried. "Look don't worry about me." "Trust me I'm fine!" I said reassuring him.

I sit in the chair beside his bed.

"Is your dad mad at you for being at Lexy's house? Junior say looking over at me. "No but he said I shouldn't have lied about going over her house." "Why did you lie?" he asked. "Then I wouldn't have been able to go over there."

Then our conversation faded and we sat in silence for a while

Junior POV

"So do you want to talk about yesterday?" I say. "Oh yeah! "Sorry my head is still a little foggy from yesterday." The girl said. "We don't have to talk about it if you don't want to." I say. "Maybe we should." "Because I shouldn't have sa-. Tyjai started. "No!" "You were completely right." "I did chose Lexy over you." "I starting hang out with Lexy to make you jealous." "But Lexy and I started dating and I felt like I couldn't hang out with you anymore and stop talking to you all together." I began rambling. "And I still feel bad that I didn't hang out with you." "It was your fucking birthday and I couldn't even be a good friend." "No don't say that." The girl said placing her hand on mine. "You are a great friend." "It's not that big of a deal anyways." She said brushing it off. "But it is." I mumbled under my breath disappointed.

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