The Getaway

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- Nobody probably cares about this story anymore sorry it's been awhile

"Listen here you little bitch. You're going to sit here and shut the fuck up" Chucky yelled. "Ok princess." Chucky taunted. "Don't talk to her like that!" Junior said. "We got some business to take care of." The doll motion to the door.

They walk away and I stay in Junior's room still in shock.

I hear Junior open the door and I look out the window. I try listening to what they're said but I'm too far away. Soon they come up the stairs and the man greets me.

"Hi I'm Andy Barcley." He waves. "Are you ok?" he said looking very concerned.

"Yes." I say in a whisper.

He walks around and I can hear him speaking. "Well when Jake comes back tell him to call me."

As he is leaving I walk past him in the hallway and head to the bathroom. Then the doll pops out of the toilet. I look at Junior and he is just smiling. He noticed me staring and his smile fades.

"What did you do with your dad." I asked. He shrugged his shoulders.

I don't see any remorse in his eyes.

"So?" Chucky said. "Are we going to kill her." The doll said right in front of me. "Please no" I yell.

"No of course not, she's my friend." Junior stated. "But she might turn on you.... eventually." The doll argued. "They always do."

"She won't!" Junior hesitated.

I agree nodding my head. "I promise I won't say anything" I pleaded.

"Well, its your funeral" the doll say. "Honestly you might be some good use to us anyways." Chucky reconsidered.

You guys hungry? The doll said

Time passes

We reach a unknown house.

"Get the fuck out of the car" the doll hissed

Junior and I shuffle out of the car as fast as we can. Junior grabs my hand. Quickly I swipe my hand away from him still replaying what he did to his father.

"Tyjai, please you knew my dad was an asshole and you should've heard the things he said about my mom I had no choice." Junior plead.

"You did. "You did and you chose wrong!" I shout.

"Quit the arguing lovebirds and get a move on" the doll ordered.

We reach the house and let ourselves in. I was so shocked to see the woman from Bree's funeral there and some random woman standing over her. The random woman raised the knife ready to stab the other one

"Think again!" the doll shouted causing them to freeze

"She's right bro, we need her and I'm kinda getting use to having her around." The doll said.

"Sweet face!" the lady said on the floor

"Help her up." Chucky says

"Yea help me up asshole" shes mimicked

"Get up" the brunette woman aggressively pulled her up.

"Fuck you Chucky" she screamed.

"Thank you, Chucky" she said talking to the doll.

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