We're Done

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Sorry I haven't updated in awhile. School is so stressful . But my story has almost 700 reads now. Literally screaming inside. Thank you guys for reading. This chapter will be in Junior's pov the whole story.

Junior POV

I've been trying to reach Tyjai all week and she's been dodging me at school when she sees me in the hallway. Lexy has been hanging out with Jake so much she doesn't pay attention to me anymore.

"Junior can you come in here for a minute please!" My mom yelled from the kitchen.

I make my way to the kitchen.

"Have a seat for a second." She say crying. "Mom what's going on?" I asked her before sitting down. "Umm your mother is- My dad started. "Your mother" he walks out the room not finishing his sentence. "There's something I have to tell you." My mom announced. "And there is no easy way to say it." She cried. "I'm sick." She tells me. "Sick?" I questioned. "Hey, I don't want you to worry." she grabbed my hand to comfort. "Mom what's going on?" I started to tear up. "It's umm" she paused. "It's cancer." she sniffed.

I feel my heart drop at the words my said. I can't explain how I feel.

"You're going to be okay right? Are you okay." I asked. "We are going to get though this together Junior." She reassured. "Please don't worry." My mom said. "Come here buddy" she says standing up. "Come here." She repeated.

I got up and hugged her as tight as possible. I started to cry. "I love you." my mom whispered to me patting on my back.

-time skips

Since Tyjai was ignoring me, I decided to go to Lexy's. I make it to her house and ring the doorbell. She answered the door. Come in she insisted. I tell her about my mom. 

"Oh my god. Junior I am so sorry." Lexy spoke. "I just feel like everything is falling apart right now  you know." I pause "My mom, my uncle, even you and me." I continued. "No!"she muttered. "No, not us. I'm always here for you." She said. Jake yells from the kitchen "Hey, Lexy he's on Facebook!"

I roll my eyes. "I just feel like you're somewhere else these days." I plead. "I'm sorry what?" She asked not paying attention. "Hey you see what I mean!" I said pissed off. "What the fuck Lex it's like I don't even exist to you anymore." I say standing up. "No that's not true." Lexy disagreed. "I'm always here for you. I love you." She expressed. "It like you said everything has been such a mess lately and I just wanted to protect you." She claimed. "No!" I yell. "No?" Lexy repeated. "It's over. We're done." I reply. "No. No Junior please please don't do this we can fix this!"she says. "I just did." I said leaving.

I tried calling Tyjai again but no answer. I texted her. I really need to talk to you. I go back home and my mom asked would I like to go with her to therapy. I said yea. She then said I'll have to wait in the car and I say that's fine.

-time skips

"Do you want me to leave the keys in case you want to listen to the radio." My mom says. I motion toward my phone. "Ok umm I'll leave them just in case." She said. "Mom what do you talk about in there." I ask.

She sighs. "All the things we don't talk about at home." She answered. "Why don't we talk about them at home" I questioned. "I don't know." My mom said. "You talk about me?" I asked. She smiles. "All the time. "Do you know you're my favorite topic of conversation? She tells me.

I smile a bit. She brings me into a hug and tells me she loves me. "You too!" I respond. "I'll be right back." she said letting me go. I nodded my head and she gets out of the car.

I put my headphones and listen to music. Like a minute later I get a call from Tyjai. I quickly answer.

"Hey." I said. "Hello. What was it that you need to talk about?" She said with attitude. "My mom has cancer. She like really sick." I tell her. "My god. I'm so sorry I didn't answer sooner." She said shocked. "When did you find out? Tyjai asked. "She told me this morning." I say. "Also I broke up with Lexy." I mentioned. "Oh did you tell her about the kiss? She questioned. "No!" I stated. "Well am I the reason you broke up with her?" She sounded worried. "No it was time I was just so tired of her making me feel like I don't exist." I told her. "I'm happy for you I guess."she said unsure.

"What are you doing right now?"She asked. "I'm in the car waiting on my mom." I said. "How do you feel right now?" She questioned. "Like about my mom or Lexy?" I asked. "Both!" she said. "Well I'm kinda sad but my mom told me not to worry. I know she's going to survive." I said confident. "Sorry to bring up Jake but does he know?" She asked. "I don't know. I haven't said anything to him." I replied. "But maybe my mom and dad told him." I suggested.

- 5 minutes later

I'm still on the phone with Tyjai and I see glass falling from the sky. I take out my head phone and a cart falls on the car next to me. I jump because I became startled then. My mom come and crashes into the window of the car. I panicked and get out of the car. People started to surround the car. I was speechless all I could do was scream.

-time skips

I get back home and Tyjai knocks at my door. "Thank you for coming" I said. She just hugs me without saying anything. We go to the living and sit down.

"I know it a lot to process right now." the therapist said breaking the silence. "She didn't seem." My dad uttered. "I don't understand. She made it sound like everything was fine. That she had it under control. She didn't say anything to you you're her fucking therapist you didn't see any signs." My dad rants. "Yeah say long as I knew Mrs. Wheeler she doesn't seem like the type to do something like this. Leave all her loved one behind like that." Tyjai brung up. "It is normal to feel angry at times like this." The therapist mentioned. "When faced with their own mortality some patients try to gain control." She paused. The only way they can. She continued. "So that's it? She just decided the hell with all of us? She just gave up?" I said. "Her cancer had metastasize. Her prognosis even with chemo was grim. She had wanted her treatment to overtake your lives. She tells us. "You must understand your mother loved you all very much." She mentions. "Thank you for coming by." My dad said getting up from the couch. And leaving the room. "If you ever need to talk don't hesitate to call." She said before leaving.

Tyjai leaves to the bathroom crying. Jake come over to me. "Junior I don't think your mother killed herself." I get up. "Stay the fuck away from me. We were fine before you came around. I cursed nudging him in his shoulder.

I walk to the bathroom and knock on the door. "Tyjai" I called. There was no answer. "Can I come in?" I said opening the door. When I opened it she was on the floor.

"Is this seat taken?" I joked trying to make her smile. I sat next to her. "Are you okay?" I asked her. "I don't know I just feel like a lost another mother. I've known your mom so long." She expresses. "I'm sorry for asking you to come over."I say feeling bad. "This much be really overwhelming." I say. "No I had to be here I remember when my mom passed you were there for me. It wouldn't be right if I wasn't here." She replied.

"Come on let's get up from the floor!" I said getting up. I look at her and  hold out my hand helping her get up. Tyjai stands up and pulls me into a hug.

We stand there for awhile in silence not letting go of each other. I heard Tyjai's phone buzz. And she pulls it out of her pocket letting me go. "I'm sorry but I have to leave my dad need help with something at home." She say looking down at her phone. "Okay" I say sadly. "Bye" she says while running downstairs and out the door.

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