NA Love!

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This is my first story so be nice ;^;)

It was a world meeting, and UN was saying whatever it is he says. America wasn't really paying much attention. He was too busy trying to make Canada chuckle by making funny faces at him. Canada refused to laugh. To America, it seemed like he was annoyed. He wasn't, and was actually flattered the cute boy was trying to make him smile. Canada also just wanted to pay attention and be a good country. Mexico noticed America making faces and scoffed. He thought he was so stupid, immature, childish, adorable-

No, just stupid...

Ok, a little adorable.

Meanwhile, Greenland was just trying to get though the day. He felt sick, exhausted, and homesick. However, he knew this meeting wouldn't last forever.

"Ok! That's it for today! You may leave," UN exclaimed. Everyone got up to leave. "Except you North America," UN said. The four countries glanced at each other.

"What's up?" America asked.

"I need you four to work on a report together about global warming and it's impacts on different ecosystems and regions. Since you all have various ecosystems ranging from forests, deserts, coral reefs, tundras and tropical systems, I found it fitting for the four of you to work together," UN said.

"Ok... when do we get started?" Canada asked.

"Immediately," UN said. The countries anxiously glanced at each other. America didn't like the uncertain vibe, so he smiled and clapped his hands together.

"Perfect! How 'bout we work at my place? I'll even make y'all dinner if ya need," America exclaimed. Canada nodded, and Greenland shrugged. Mexico sighed.

"I guess, but the food better be good," Mexico grumbled. America smiled.

"You'll love it, I'm sure!" America exclaimed.

They went to America's house, and America offered everyone a drink.

"Oh, I'll just have a water,"Canada said.

"Sparklin?" America asked. Canada looked nervous, something America immediately picked up on. "Don't you worry, there ain't no wrong answer. What're ya feelin?" America asked.

"Just a regular water... thank you," Canada said. America nodded.

"And for you gentlemen?" America asked.

"Tequila, but only if it's the good shit," Mexico said. America nodded.

"... water," Greenland said. America nodded again and got everyone their drinks. America got himself a whiskey as well. He also put together some snacks for them to share. The four started talking about what they should do. Canada suggested a PowerPoint, and everyone sighed but agreed that'd probably even best. Greenland didn't talk much, only saying one to two word statements. Eventually though, America and Mexico got a bit tipsy from their drinks.

"Mmmmhhhhhhh immm tiiiiiired," Mexico whined.

"Me toooooo," America groaned. America leaned onto Canada, who blushed and held onto him.

"Ok, I think it's time to wrap up then... I'll get Ame settled, Greenland, do you think you can help Mexico home?" Canada asked. Greenland shrugged.

"Sure," Greenland said.

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