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The next day, Mexico woke up cuddled close in someone's arms. He smiled, snuggling close to this person, still half asleep. Mexico liked being engulfed in a warm, comforting embrace, since he didn't get that often...

Then he realized he didn't have a boyfriend

So he was obviously concerned as to why someone was cuddling with him

He looked around to see Canadas living room, and his heartbeat spiked. He thought Canada was pretty cute, but he had no clue how he would have ended up coming home with him. Mexico focused, and remembered that they had all gone to the bar that night, and he blacked out... the last thing he remembered was kissing Canada.

Mexico blushed, closing his eyes once more and snuggling into the embrace again, thinking it was Canada who was holding him close...

Meanwhile, America woke up to see Mexico in his arms. America gasped slightly. He and Mexico hadn't been this intimate since they broke up.

"Mex?" America said. Mexico immediately sprung up, and the two stared wide-eyed at each other.

"H-Huh?!" Mexico exclaimed, not expecting to see America as the man holding him.

"Um... what... what happened?" America said.

"You two were super drunk," Greenland said. They realized he'd been sitting in Canadas reading chair this whole time, skimming a photo album.

"W-well...," Mexico said softly, him and America scooting to opposite ends of the couch. America sighed deeply, getting up to walk away...

But suddenly his knees buckled, and he fell to his knees.

"Ame?" Greenland said, putting the photo album down and gently kneeling by Americas side. America took a deep, shaky breath.

"Sorry... I got up to fast and I guess the hangover just hit like a wave...," America whispered, before gagging. Greenland brought him to the bathroom so he could vomit. Mexico awkwardly followed, also feeling ill.

"You two need to stop," Greenland said.

"Stop what...?" Mexico asked, although somewhat guessing the answer.

"Drinking," Greenland said. Canada came out of his room by this point, and gave America and Mexico comfortable clothes, in place of the office-wear they had on before.

"If you two don't feel well, I'm ok with you staying over. You two look very sick," Canada said. Mexico sighed.

"I have nothing better to do," Mexico said. America shook his head.

"I-I'm ok... you don't need to worry about me, I can take care of myself," America said. Suddenly, Greenland stood in front of him. America was a bit intimidated by this, seeing that Greenland was taller, with the most piercing eyes that faded from red to blinding white. Greenland placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Let us take care of you," Greenland said. America blushed, before pushing him away and laughing.

"Ok, ok, sure...," America said. Mexico and America chilled on the couch with Greenland, watching TV, while Canada decided to make breakfast. Suddenly, they heard metal clashing.

"Uh oh, I'll go check on him," America said. He went to the kitchen to see Canada picking pots and pans off the floor, which had fallen from the cupboard. America started helping him.

"hehe... well, I guess I should organize my cupboards better... I'm such an idiot...," Canada joked nervously, feeling embarrassed. America frowned.

"Canada... that's not true," America said, but Canada ignored him.

"I've got breakfast, so... no need to worry... I'll bring you your food when it's ready, you should go rest..," Canada said, turning his back on America and mixing pancake batter. America stood beside him, wrapping an arm around his shoulder.

"No, I wanna help," America said. Canada smiled nervously, nodding.

Meanwhile, Greenland noticed Mexico struggling to brush his hair, so he started helping.

"Beautiful hair," Greenland remarked, combing through Mexicos dark curls.

"Thanks... it's hard to manage though," Mexico said.

"Dreads?" Greenland suggested.

"I've tried... they're hard to keep clean... besides, my hair takes long enough to dry when it's not in locks...," Mexico said. Greenland nodded.

"Still beautiful," Greenland said. Mexico smiled.

"You really are a cool guy... you don't talk much though, why not?" Mexico asked. Greenland shrugged.

"Why talk?" Greenland said. Mexico paused.

"Well, if you have an opinion or feeling about something, isn't it nice to express it?" Mexico asked.

"Who'd care?" Greenland asked.

"Us, duh. What, do you think we think we're cooler than you?" Mexico asked. Greenland was silent for a moment.

"I never really have people to talk to," Greenland said.

"Well, you got us now! And we all love to talk," Mexico said. Greenland cracked a small smile.

"I noticed...," Greenland said.

"Boys!! Breakfast is ready!" America called. Mexico and Greenland smiled, going to join America and Canada at the breakfast table

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