I'm back maybe!

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"F-fuck... no...," Mexico breathed, immediately climbing out of bed and frantically typing back to Russia.

"Mexico, who sent it," Greenland said, getting up and following him. America and Canada glanced at one another, confused.

"G-Greenland... Russia is... he's threatening to hurt you," Mexico said.

"WHAT?" America exclaimed.

"What happened?!" Canada exclaimed. Greenland just calmly put his hands on Mexicos shoulders, looking down at the texts.

"G-Greenland... what do we do?" Mexico said shakily. Greenland kissed his forehead.

"Don't worry, I'll handle it-,"

"Not alone. Nobody gets away with talking shit about any of you... fucking nobody," America spat. Greenland turned to America, giving him a loving yet stern stare.

"Don't worry... I will stop at nothing to keep you three safe," Greenland said. Mexico looked frantically at the other two, before holding Greenlands hands tightly in his.

"Greenland, don't go out to fight him... look, let's just call the police... if he comes here, I-I.... I don't know... but don't walk into his trap, please...," Mexico cried. Greenland stayed silent, but let out a defeated sigh as Mexico gazed at him with puppy-dog eyes.

"I'll stay home," Greenland said. America was visibly pissed, so Mexico gave him a hug.

"I don't want you doing anything stupid either," Mexico said. America took a deep breath, holding Mexico close.

"I won't... I promise," America said. Canada joined their hug, as Greenland silently gazed at them, tearing up slightly but trying to hide it. He couldn't stand the thought of these three being hurt, not after the love and admiration they had given him. They were too precious for him too lose.

Greenland texted Russia

Come and get me then.

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