Romance kinda!

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A few weeks later, Mexico and Canada were hanging out at a coffee shop, working together on some boring paperwork.

"Hey Mex? So... you're gay," Canada said.

"Damn, really?" Mexico said sarcastically. Canada chuckled nervously, blushing.

"Do you... do you wanna... um...," Canada stuttered. Mexico gazed up at him, and Canada blushed in embarrassment. "N-never mind....," Canada said. Mexico stared at him for a moment, before smiling apologetically and taking his hand.

"Canada... do you wanna maybe... go out for dinner sometime? Just us?" Mexico asked. Canada smiled sheepishly.

"That sounds great," Canada said. They smiled at each other. Canada was actually very interested in America, but he couldn't stop thinking about the kiss he and Mexico shared. He didn't believe America would ever want him anyway. He figured he might as well shoot his shots with someone he both liked and knew he had a chance with.

A few weeks later, Mexico and Canada started officially 'dating', and America was very outwardly happy for them.

But on the inside...

"I-I just... I know it's my fault for not asking him out before, b-but I didn't even know if he was gay or bi o-or... god, I'm so stupid...," America cried to Britain, who was like an older brother to him.

"Well... I'm very sorry to hear that, I know how much he means to you... is there anyone else you are interested in? Or was it less of a 'he's cute' and more of a 'I'm in love and don't know what to do now' kind of thing?" Britain asked.

"I'm so in love with him, man... I just wanted h-him... I.... Well, I guess I... I just... fuck...Ugh, forget it, I'm just spewing nonsense right now...," America stuttered.

"Just tell me, I won't judge," Britain said. America sighed.

"Well... Mexico was my first boyfriend and I... I still liked him a lot, even after we broke up... but of course I'm a dumb piece of shit, so I made him hate me... we did eventually become friendly again, of course, because of Canada... and hanging out with them during our little 'group project'... well... fuck it, I'll cut to the chase: I love Canada so much because he's fucking precious, and I really really feel such a strong attraction to Mexico because he's sexy and just as hilarious and fun as I remembered him being when we were together for all those years before... a-and... yeah...," America said. Britain stared down at America, who was an emotional disaster gay at the moment, and sighed deeply.

"What do you want from them, a threesome?" Britain asked. America let out a flustered gasp, slapping Britains arm.

"I didn't say that!!! I just said that the two guys I'm interested in are in a relationship with each other so... I'm shit outta luck!!!" America exclaimed. Britain chuckled halfheartedly.

"I see, I see... well... what can I do? You know I'm in the same place you're in," Britain said.

"France and Spain are fighting over you, Canada and Mexico are joyfully dating without me ever crossing their minds... we're not the same," America said. Britain shrugged, although was sad that he didn't know how to help his best friend.

"... What about that other guy you hang out with? Greenland, was it?" Britain asked. America sighed.

"He's cool... I dunno, I just feel like he doesn't like us all that much... he's not a talker, and doesn't really smile around us," America said. Britain chuckled.

"Oh, don't say that! I have only seen him smile five times since I've met him, and every single time has been when he was with you and the rest of North America. Don't you remember how Soviet was? He hardly even spoke unless you were there-,"

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