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Lol you know that awkward moment where you disappear into the ether, only to return with even more gayness?


Oh also I saw this one webcomic'Boyfriends' but it looks kinda yucky and fetishizing of poly relationships

I hope I don't make this story to be weird, I just thought it'd be sweet, because I love MexAme, CanAme, CanMex, GreenCan, you name it!

Soon, the North American squad presented their climate change presentation at a UN meeting. America spoke for Greenland at some points, because he didn't like to talk more than he had to. Mexico was also holding Canadas hand tightly so he wouldn't be too nervous about presenting. Afterwards, they realized something.

"I guess we won't be working together much anymore...," America said. Mexico frowned.

"Sad... I was actually enjoying your guy's company," Mexico said.

"Well.... We can still hang out as friends! How about we go to the bar?" Canada asked.

"I'm in! Mex? Greenie?" America asked. Mexico nodded.

"Sounds good!" Mexico exclaimed. They all stared at Greenland expectantly. Greenland sighed.

"Ok...," Greenland said. They were worried he didn't actually want to, before he cracked a small smile. "Mex, Ame, don't go too crazy on the drinks," Greenland said. They smiled.

"No promises!" America exclaimed. They went to the bar, and America and Mexico immediately started tossing back shots, while Canada and Greenland sipped on some fruity seltzers.

They didn't realize those seltzers wouldn't be the only fruity things on their lips tonight.

Especially since Mexico kissed Canada on the lips, and refused to elaborate any further before passing out.

"...I think he's had enough to drink," Canada said, trying to laugh off his closeted gayness. America saw this, and started sobbing.

"Nooooooooo I wanted to kiss youuuuu," America cried.

"He's such an emotional drunk," Greenland joked, Canada laughing.

"I get really angry when I'm drunk, or so I've heard... I haven't drank any hard liquor since I first tried it," Canada said. Greenland shrugged.

"I only ever drink alone...," Greenland said. Suddenly, Mexico started regaining consciousness, giggling to himself.

"Aaaannnnd Mex is a very happy drunk," Canada said, laughing. America grabbed Mexico, planning to fight him for kissing Canada, however he immediately forgot what he was doing when he and Mexico locked eyes.

"You got space in your eyeballs," Mexico slurred. America was confused, so he just decided to ignore it and play with Mexicos curly hair.

Canada and Greenland let the drunks do their thing as they paid for their drinks, and Canada intervened when America and Mexico started taking their shirts off.

"BUT CANADAAAAA THIS IS SUCH STRIPPER MUSIC I GOTTA DAAAAANCE," America exclaimed. Canada and Greenland were cracking up.

"Nope, not unless you're gettin paid. C'mon, let's go home," Canada said, leading America outside. Greenland decided to just pick Mexico up and carry him out, because Mexico was in a heated argument with a statue that looked at him wrong. They went back to Canadas house, where they put America and Mexico on the couch, where they passed out.

"Well... we really shoulda enforced the 'not going crazy with the drinks' rule," Canada joked. Greenland smiled, which made Canada happy, because Greenland never smiled much before.

"I think Mexico likes you," Greenland said. Canada chuckled nervously.

"No, no... he was just super drunk," Canada said.

"When he isn't drunk he is very sweet with you," Greenland said.

"He's a sweet person," Canada justified.

"Not with Ame," Greenland said.

"...well, I think they might've had some kinda... history," Canada said.


"I think they might be ex's," Canada said.

"Ahhh, I see... strange, they still have a good amount of chemistry, for exes... all of you do... thank you for letting me be a part of this, but I understand if you all are just humoring me," Greenland said.

"Hm? What do you mean?" Canada asked. Greenland sighed.

"Nobody has really asked me to hang out before," Greenland said.

"Well... we all like you! And we want to get to know you! So don't think we're humoring you, we want you here!" Canada exclaimed. Greenland smiled slightly.

"Thank you...,

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