Oh shit!

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I lost my login but found it written down in an old sketchbook :'D

Ok back to this-

The boys were so distracted by their little 'getting to know each other' games, that by 12:00 at night they realized they got absolutely no work done.

"Shit.... uh.... y'all wanna come over again tomorrow?" America asked.

"We kinda have to, I mean, we only have so much time until the next meeting, and we gotta have everything ready by then," Canada said.

"Okaaaaay, sure, same time tomorrow then," America said. The countries nodded and all went back home.

The next day, Greenland was getting ready to go back to America's house, but he felt really sick. He didn't want to be a no-show however, so he decided to muscle through it. He got there to see Canada and Mexico were already there. They started working.

"Ame, how does this slide look?" Mexico asked.

"Good! Greenland, how's your research coming along?" America asked. They looked over at Greenland, but then realized he didn't seem to be doing to well.

"Greenland? Are you ok?" Canada asked. Greenland looked up at them, and opened his mouth to speak, but all that came out was a distressed cry. Canada rushed to Greenlands side and led him to the couch to sit down. Mexico followed, trying to help Greenland calm down, and America ran to get him some water, because it fixes everything.

"What's wrong?" Mexico asked.

"I-I....panicked," Greenland said.

"I get sudden attacks like that too sometimes... do you think there was a trigger?" Canada asked.

"Stress...," Greenland said.

"From...?" Mexico asked.

"Climate change.... shits scary," Greenland said. Mexico nodded.

"We'll stop for today then," Mexico said. America handed Greenland some water, which he shakily drank.

"Aw, I hate to see you cry Greenie... I know we're kinda new to each other, but you're such a great guy. If you need anything, please give any of us a call," America said. Greenland nodded.

"Thank you...," Greenland said. And for the rest of the day, the boys watched a movie

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