Spin the bottle!

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The next day, America woke up with a splitting headache. He hated waking up hungover, but he knew it was his idea to get drunk. He texted the group chat, and they decided to get together again that night to continue working on the PowerPoint.

NO ALCOHOL THIS TIME!!! Mexico insisted in all caps on the group chat

That night, everyone got together, but they all felt kinda awkward. Only America and Canada really knew each other, but everyone else were almost strangers to each other.

"Ok! How about we get to know each other a bit better?" America asked.

"How?" Greenland asked.

"Two truths one lie! I'll go first!" Mexico exclaimed. So, they started playing that, however Greenland respectfully backed out. Once they were bored of that, they tried to think of something else.

"Hmmm... I'm beat," Mexico said. America glanced around, and his eyes fell to an empty beer bottle. He smiled mischievously, and looked hopefully over at Canada.

"How about... SPIN THE BOTTLE!" America exclaimed. Everyone stared at him like he was crazy.

"No!" Mexico exclaimed.

"Awww you scared?" America teased. Mexico turned red and grabbed the bottle.

"Ok bitches! Get your smooch on!" Mexico exclaimed, spinning the bottle. It landed on America. Mexico blushed wildly.

"Aw, you look like a tomato!" America teased.

"Oh shut up!!! I-It's not like I l-like you or anything... pendejo...," México muttered. Mexico lightly kissed America on the lips. America smiled, and pulled Mexico closer, kissing back with passion. Mexico's eyes shot wide open, his face so red he looked like he was about to turn into a tomato monster. America was a smug bastard, and just wanted to get a reaction out of Mexico. When he let go of him, Mexico punched him lightly on the arm, cursing him out in Spanish.

"Your turn Ame," Mexico said. America smiled mischievously once more, and spun the bottle. It landed on Canada.

"O-oh! Ok...," Canada said, also turning a bit red. America knew Canada wasn't as experienced of a kisser as Mexico, so he just gave him a quick kiss. Canada looked flustered and conflicted, as if he wasn't fully satisfied.

"Your turn Canada," America said. Canada chuckled nervously.

"Uh... Greenland can go... it's fine," Canada said. Everyone looked at Greenland, who had an unreadable expression.

"...while this has been... entertaining... I think I shouldn't go," Greenland said.

"Aw, ok. sorry if all the kissing made you uncomfortable! We'll stop now," America said.

"ok... it's just... never kissed before," Greenland said.

"Wait, never?" Mexico asked. Greenland shook his head.

"...would you like one?" America asked.

"Dude! Kissing for spin the bottle is just fun and games, but what if he's straight and doesn't want to kiss a man outside of a game?" Mexico exclaimed. Greenland shrugged.

"not sure what I am...," Greenland said.

"Really? Maybe a kiss will help then!" America joked. But to his surprise, Greenland lifted his chin and kissed him. Now it was Americas turn to turn red. Mexico laughed at him, and America stared in awe at Greenland, who still had a cold, indifferent expression.

"So, what'd you think?" Mexico asked, nudging Greenland. The group was surprised to see him smile slightly.

"I liked it,"

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