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Mexico and Canada were cuddled up together as America called the police. Greenland was staring out the window, waiting to see if Russia was going to be true to his promise.

"Greenland... what happened to make Russia so mad at you?" Canada asked. Greenland stared at Mexico, silently looking for permission to speak the truth. Mexico held his breath for a moment, before giving in.

"Don't panic, ok?" Mexico said, before taking a deep breath. "Russia was trying to make me... do stuff with him... and Greenland showed up to help me...," Mexico said.

"He fucking did WHAT?!?" America exclaimed, Greenland immediately wrapped his arms around America, trying to get him to calm down.

"It's ok...," Greenland whispered, brushing back Americas hair.

"I-I'm ok... I'm glad Greenland stepped in... I'm just worried that Russia is mad at him now...," Mexico said.

"I think I scared him," Greenland said.

"What did you do to him?" Canada asked. Greenland just shrugged, but his boyfriend's felt the odd intimidating aura Greenland had. There was a sudden pounding at the front door.

"I want you three to go to your rooms," Greenland said.

"Greenland...," America said, looking the slightest bit fearful. Greenland gave him a quick kiss.

"It's ok," Greenland said. The banging on the front door grew louder. The three rushed upstairs, and Greenland calmly opened the door. Russia was on the other side, and though he initially planned to stab whoever answered immediately, Greenlands stare made him stop dead in his tracks.

"What are you doing?" Greenland asked coldly.


"Put the knife down, and you can walk away safely,"

"I won't-,"

"How this ends is up to you,"

Russia was trembling, but was able to force himself to slash his knife across Greenlands chest. However, when Greenland didn't react, Russia began to panic.

"Sit down, you're unwell," Greenland said. Russia, dumbfounded, obliged. Soon, the police arrived to take Russia away, Greenland hiding the blood on his chest with his thick coat.

"He seems to be under mental distress... take care of him," Greenland said cooly. When the officers eventually left, Greenland walked silently back inside and sat on the couch, the pain finally registering to him.

"Greenland? H-holy shit... Greenland!" America exclaimed, him, Canada and Mexico running to Greenlands side.

"I'm ok-,"

"You're bleeding!"

"I'll be ok-,"

"Greenland, we're taking you to the hospital!" Canada exclaimed.


"No buts! Just come with us, ok?" Mexico said. The trio helped Greenland to the car, and drove him to the hospital...

Meanwhile, Russia was being interrogated by the police.

"I-it's his eyes... h-his eyes just.... I can still picture them...," Russia whispered shakily. NATO sighed, looking over at UN.

"This isn't good UN...," NATO said. UN wore an unsettlingly neutral expression.

"NATO, if you can get someone to contact Greenland... I need to host a small meeting with him...,"

(Btw idk how chill u guys are about light smut but if any of y'all want I might make a special short chapter (dw it will be a skip-able one that won't affect the story if you don't wanna read that chapter, and I'll be sure to put a warning) but lmk if that's something y'all wanna read lol it's ok if not, I got u)

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