Sugar, Spice, and someone not nice!

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(Warnings: Russia being a meanie (it's arbitrary, I didn't pick him to be bad out of spite or anything), and some spicy activity (no full on sex, but kissing, touching, and almost-nakedness). I'll put bolded warnings before each lil spicy bit, and then bolded all-clears when the spicy bit ends)

After the emotional exchange, they finished dinner rather quietly and hung out in Americas living room. They cuddled up together on the couch and began watching a scary movie. America and Greenland were just enjoying themselves, laughing and rolling their eyes at the forced tension and jump scares. However Canada and Mexico were snuggling up between these unfrightened two, trying to watch the movie without getting the urge to curl up into a ball and protect themselves from viewing the horror. By the time the movie was over, it was pitch black outside, and pouring rain.

"Ah, guess we lost track of time... do y'all wanna stay over? I'm ok with it," America said. Greenland shrugged, nodding. Mexico and Canada were about to try and respond, when suddenly there was a flash of light, followed by a loud crash. The two screamed, latching onto either side of Greenland. America and Greenland chuckled, and they realized it was only lightning.

"I'll get y'all somethin to sleep in, we can have a slumber party tonight," America said. Mexico and Canada chuckled, embarrassed. Greenland just smiled, holding the scaredy-cats close.

America got everyone some pajamas, and once they were all settled, they hung out in Americas bedroom.

"So... how is everyone?" Mexico asked. Everyone slightly laughed over the 'small talk' conversation starter, but they all knew how many emotions were in the room.

"I'm just sleepy... dinner was super filling, and now I feel like I'm about to hibernate...," Canada said. America nodded.

"I'm just emotional and tired... I'm glad we kinda worked things out? I dunno... I dunno what conclusion we even came to...," America said. The four were silent, still sitting in a circle on America's bed.

"Well... me and Mexico may be dating... but... I dunno...," Canada said.

"You know I don't mind if Canada loves both of us... I... I still like you a lot, Ame... this is pretty awkward, huh?" Mexico said. They all nodded.

"...Canada, if America asked you out before Mexico did, would you have said yes?" Greenland asked. Canada nodded.

"Definitely... but that doesn't mean I love Mexico any less... I just feel like I always thought you should only love one person... but...," Canada said.

"Mexico, if America asked you out- if you weren't dating Canada- would you have said yes?" Greenland asked. Mexico blushed, averting his eyes from everyone. America held his breath, sure of Mexicos unshakable loathing of him...

"I actually have wanted him to ask me out for years... I was too chicken to go talk to him... I thought he loathed me... but goddammit, he's sexy... and he was just so much more alluring because I knew he was more than a pretty face... I just thought things were forever over between us...," Mexico said. America stared at him, his heart beating faster.

"Mex... that's exactly how I felt towards you for years now!" America exclaimed. The two stared at each other, their faces turning red. Canada giggled.

"Huh, maybe we should just make it a throuple," Canada said. Mexico and America stared at him.

"Can we? Would that be ok with you?" Mexico asked. Canada smiled and nodded. Greenland smiled at the trio, happy to see them reach this conclusion.

"Shall I allow you all your privacy then?" Greenland asked, getting up to leave. The trio stared at him. They knew that he didn't particularly share a part in the years of bonding the three of them had. They'd only just started to get to know him. Hell, he only just started forming full sentences around them.

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