week 9

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I am astonished at people just abandoning live creatures. Some of them live but most of them dies. It was just heart breaking.

I have read an article about it a few hours ago and I want to make a move on saving a life. Luckily, Mother Nature granted my wish.

The gang and I was walking on the streets going to Adam’s for a movie marathon when I heard the cutest thing ever.

“MEOW” it was gentle.

I asked the gang to search it with me and minutes later Kevin found it under the bushes.

I hurriedly ran towards Kevin and saw a grayish black kitten that looks scared as ever. I think he had gone through a lot.

“Come here kitty. I will not hurt you.” I talked to him. Everybody laughed at me. They said that the kitten would not understand a thing I was saying.

“I want her.” I declared. It took me an hour to get her. I couldn’t reach her under the bushes. She hides herself to the farthest part of the bushes.

She just came out when I was about to give up on her. I was seated on the pavement and talking to my friends when suddenly she was purring by my side.

I slowly held her for the first time and I was amused at her. She rubbed her little head on me and in that moment I fell in love with her.

I took her and lifted her into midair and took a pretty picture of her. In that moment. Harry blurted something out.

“Your she is a he Ingrid.”

“Oh cool.” Is my reaction to what Harry said. “What should I call this little dude?” I asked them. No one really had a great name to give him.

We continued walking over to Adam’s which we found asleep on his couch. We were late because of the kitten so maybe he got tired of waiting and fell to sleep. He got a lot of his plate these past few days because a championship is coming and he is a jock after all.

We left him sleeping and went back home and reschedule the movie night.

That night I called Harry to ask for a name for my kitten. He said a bunch of out of this world name and I rejected all of them.

“Could you just go with me to the veterinarian tomorrow to have kitty a check up?” I asked him.

“Sure, after class maybe?” he suggested.

“Perfect. Hey Har, I have to go. I’ll pamper kitten off and let him sleep. Remind me to buy a litter box tomorrow.”

“I will Ingrid.”

“Goodnight Har. See you tomorrow.”

“Goodnight Ingrid.”

I hang the phone up and get into work. I made a small bed for the kitten and got him to fall asleep.

Next morning Harry fetched me. We made it through school and my friends asked about the kitten.

Adam knew nothing about it and asked about how I got to have a kitten, we told him the story about it. He wanted to see the kitten who made it possible to postpone the movie night.

After classes. Harry and I got to go to the nearest animal doctor. I have to get the kitten checkup.

The doctor said that the kitten is stressed and he gave him some vaccines he needed to cope up.

Harry and I got to went to a store which sells animal needs. I got him cat food, milk, and some accessories he could use. Harry bought his litter box for him. He said that he would like to help me with the kitten.

As we got home, we set the things we bought for him and I knew he loved it.
That night, I was busy reading a good book when the kitten crawled its way to me. He laid on the book and looked at me. I took a picture of him and sent it to Harry. Then he called me.

“I know what to call your kitten Ingrid.” He said and I could hear him smile on the other line.

“What?” I was excited to hear it.



“Yes Louis. Look at his ear on the picture. Then name it was pointing to is Louis.” He explained. I looked at it and he was right.

“So we will name him Louis I suppose. That is a good name.” I approve at the name. That matter was now rested so another got into my head.

“Oh Harry, I have something to tell you.”

“What is it?”

“Do you know the dude that danced with me after we were crowned?”

“As I matter of fact, I don’t.” He laughed at the other line.

“Uhhhg. You got my hopes up Har.”

“Sorry. But I really don’t. Why do you asked about him?”

“Well, I haven’t told you this yet but that dude kissed my cheeks.” I revealed to him. I heard him curse over the phone. “Harry? Are you alright? I heard you cursed.”

“Oh, I just bumped my feet into something.”

“Oh, so are you alright now?”

“Yes. Yes I am.”

“So back to our topic. That guy never left my mind. I was always dreaming about him. But when it is time for me to take his mask off, I then wake up.”

“So what are you planning to do then?”

“Search for him I guess. I would just want to know him.”


“Maybe be friends with?”

“Goodluck with that.”

“And you would help me right?”

“Why would I do that?”

“Because you love me that much.” I said as I was batting my eyes. I really felt stupid upon doing it and I said it to Harry.

The phone call end up Harry saying yes to me and laughing at my stupidity.

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