week 2

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Monday. The first day of class this year. And you know what? Harry would be going with me as well. I didn't know if we would be classmates or what but I'm glad that he would be going to Don Caster High.

We went together to school. Harry fetched me up in his old black Honda Civic.

"Good morning Ingrid." He had a toothy grin on his face. He gave me a cup of Starbucks coffee as soon as I sat on the passenger's seat and took the cup off of his hand.

"Thanks big guy. Too bad, I don't drink coffee." I told him.

"Good thing that's not coffee. That's hot chocolate Ingrid." He smirked. "And here feed yourself. You are getting thin."

I rolled my eyes at him but I got the paper bag off his hands. I opened it and it was a mouthwatering cinnamon bread.

I got a fork and dig my way into it while Harry drove us on the way to school. I fed him every now and then and after in about half an hour and a few wrong turn, we were finally into the school's parking lot.

Harry and I got outside the car. And before we walk away from it we stood behind it and look into each other's eyes.

"You ready Bradford?" I asked Harry. He held my chin and brushed his thumb over the side of my lips.

"I am, are you?" He put his thumb in between his lips and sucked it. "Cinnamon syrup." I don't know what happened but I felt my face got hot. "Oh Ingrid, what will you do without me." He blurted out. He pulled my hands and dragged me to go inside the school building.

Everyone was looking at me and Harry as we passed by them.

"Where are we going Harry?" I asked him.

"I will go in the principal's office. You should be heading on your class or you will be late." He smirked at me.

We separate our ways and I went inside the classroom. My friends walked towards me as soon as I set foot inside the classroom.

"I've heard you got yourself a boyfriend. Are you over Julio?" Angel asked.

"What? Julio is a year ago. You know I have already moved on." I said ignoring the first thing she said.

"Then who is that hottie you were with?" Samantha asked. She is another friend of mine.

"His name is..." I started but I was interrupted by the voice of our professor.

"Class sit down." Mrs. Collins told us. so everyone take their seat and silent down. "I have an announcement to make."

"No classes today." Toby, the class clown shouted.

"Good try Toby." Mrs. Collins asked. "My announcement is that we have a new student." It's like on cue that Harry came into the door. Good thing he was on the same class as I am.

"Introduce yourself boy." Mrs. Collins asked.

"Hi, My name is Harry Bradford. I just came from London and decided to stay here for good. I hope each and every one of us would be friends." I heard the girls sighed as he talks.

"He has an eargasmic voice." Samantha whispered through my ears.

"Oh men, we don't need another hot guy. Another competition." Jabez blurted out loud.

"You aren't in the competition to begin with." Mrs. Collins replied back at him. Everyone laughed at Mrs. Collins comment on Jabez' statement. "Find an empty seat Harry and our class will start."

As soon as Harry sat on an empty seat, Mrs. Collins started. She told us about the summary of what is left on the school year. It consists of some dance, a school foundation, a school sports fest and everything in between.

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