one # neutral

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first pov

I was the middle in everything. The middle child, always ending up in the middle of a fight which leads to me being the one who gets yelled at by my parents even though I was just passing by either to go outside because I'm sick of repeating the same routine every single day or I just want to experience the feeling of being free even if it's just for a little bit.

An average person who has average grades that don't bring any attention to me at all. Whenever our parents would check our grades for the quarter, I was satisfied when my parents would just look at me and say: "Well at least you're consistent with your grades." And I would return to my room and let out a shaky sigh of relief that I didn't get yelled at.

"Hey sis, lend me some money." My younger brother entered my room all dressed up and ready to go and hang out with his friends that are obviously not a good influence to him since he's just thirteen years old and growing. Did I try talking to my parents about his frequent trip outside with his friends and how it was affecting him? I did a couple of times already.

Though the replies would always be: "Just let your younger brother be! He's gonna be a grown man soon so he should take his time to explore. While you, young lady, should stay home and study and do your chores." Well, so much for being an older sister to my younger brother when my own parents won't listen to my words as a sister that's concerned for my younger brother.

It was currently just us four in the house. My older brother was already in college and I haven't heard much from him ever since he entered college. I would say that it was unfortunate for me to be born in this family and be born as a girl and a middle child at that. I was overshadowed by my two brothers and that led to me being the punching bag and the one to release their stress on.

The amount of inner madness circling my head and in my heart were filling up everytime they do that. But that also led me to thinking: "Oh, maybe I'm the only one who can only relieve their stress and calm them down. Maybe I'm just overthinking things when they're actually leaning on me to help them out by listening to them. I might just be overreacting." Followed by a half-hearted laugh while I tended to the bruises that I have on my arms and legs as I sat on the floor.

Things remained the same until a few weeks later, when my younger brother and my parents were about to leave for an outing overseas. "We need someone to watch the house while we're gone and we decided that you're fit for the job." My mother caressed my head and kissed the top of my head, "You'll do that for us, right? You're a reliable daughter of mine after all." I thought that when my mother said that, she really meant that I can do it. Only to realize it later that she was discarding me.

It was calm and peaceful without the three of them as I freely lied down on the carpeted floor, staring at the ceiling. I smiled and closed my eyes, this feeling was so refreshing and I wanted it to last forever. And so with the following words coming from my heart as I said this wish loud and clear, "I wish that they would never return so I can finally have my peace."

I didn't expect the news that I will receive a day later.


I suddenly heard a phone ringing and when I sat up to check whose phone was ringing, I noticed that it was my phone that was ringing. Its been so long since I received a phone call, I didn't know that this phone was still working because of how damaged it is.

𝐌𝐄𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐘 𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐄 -𝗍𝗈𝗃𝗂 𝖿𝗎𝗌𝗁𝗂𝗀𝗎𝗋𝗈Where stories live. Discover now