two # distance

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"Who are you? Why are you acting like you know me?" She asked in an interrogative manner. He shrugged his shoulders, "Beats me. Why don't you ask God why I'm here? And why I got stuck with a kid like you."

first pov

"Are you joking with me right now? Because I'm not in the mood for it, mister." I turn away and faced the other side of the station while I plugged in my earphones to my phone to listen to some music and not some weirdo bugging me.

Although I can still feel his presence which continued bugging me, I can also feel him shifting around me in a circle. I irritatingly clicked my tongue as I snapped my head up, directly facing him with a frown. "You're a cute one when you're angry." Does every man I encounter just ends up flirting with me? Don't they have any variety or any choice of words other than the same sentences?

"For the love of god, shut up and leave me alone." I begged him in annoyance. "I'd love to do that but apparently I'm not allowed to. Though if I was alive, rules like this wouldn't tie me down." I raised a brow in wonder to what this guy was talking about. '"If I was alive"? Is this guy high or what? Am I hearing things right?'

"Hold on, hold on. What do you mean if you were alive?" I asked him since I can't keep on staying in the dark from his situation, as much as I would love to keep my distance from this man, I need to know at least a little bit about him. "You don't even look that old or dying." I pointed at him.

"How old are you?"

"I'm dead, kid."

I was dumbfounded after hearing that from him. "Dead? You don't look.." now that I looked at him clearly, I noticed that he's quite transparent and doesn't have any color in him at all. So white and his demeanor seemed cold. It all checked the boxes that tells me whether who I'm talking to is either a ghost or a human. It's a grave problem if I have struggles distinguishing a ghost from a human because that's exactly the condition I'm dealing with ever since a year ago.

My first experience with ghosts are not really great at all. The first ghost that I saw was a disfigured man who told me that he got ran over by a truck and he didn't get justice for his death since he was a poor man. Since ghosts are spirits that have unfinished business or businesses in the human world, those who have the ability to see and communicate with them could end up in one or two of many ways upon encountering a ghost.

They'd either ask you to give them the justice that they deserve and punish those who wronged them before they died, or they would ask you to help them see their family one last time by giving them permission to possess your body, or in rare cases they'd just stick around and annoy the shit out of you until they're satisfied since not many people can see ghosts, let alone talk with them.

"Heyy, you there?? Hellooo?" I stared at him blankly and then looked away. 'The best option when dealing with a ghost is to ignore them or they'll forget what they should be doing and end up getting attached to you which is not a good thing.' I decided to just let this be and let it pass, it was the same for the other ghosts that I've seen and that saw me. They'd all stick around for a bit, annoy me and then they'd leave just like they're supposed to.

The train that I've been waiting for finally arrived which made me sigh in relief. "The doors are opening, please stay behind the yellow line for safety." The train slowly comes to a stop, "Train doors are now opening." I stepped out of the way where the people who rode the train will walk by. I waited for most of them to leave and when there were only a few of them, I entered the train and luckily caught a free seat so I took it.

𝐌𝐄𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐘 𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐄 -𝗍𝗈𝗃𝗂 𝖿𝗎𝗌𝗁𝗂𝗀𝗎𝗋𝗈Where stories live. Discover now