fourteen # leave me be

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"I'm sorry, but this won't work between us."

The woman stood up and grabbed her stuff, turning back to the one who took care of her as she was asleep and back in time. She shows a small smile as she gripped the leather of her bag. "Thank you for doing all of this, you've done so much for me. More than a personal doctor would."

She paused, hesitating to say the next words but said it anyways. "I.. also experienced some things while I was away and asleep. It made me feel complicated and out of place but, I think I know where my place is now and what I am."

"I don't know how you did that nor do I care if you planned to do something- I learned a few things and I think that's what matters to me for now. I forgive you and thank you, again." With an ending sigh after speaking, she nods and turns her back on him and walked out of the room till she left his house.

When she walked out of the front door of his house, she suddenly bumped onto another person. "Ow!" She reacted after being the one who unknowingly bumped into the person, and as she looked up to see a tall man with hair as white as snow, but for some reason is wearing a blindfold.

"Ah, it's you. We meet again, miju-chan." She furrowed her eyebrows and racked her brain to dig out any memories that included this man in front of her right now.

She suddenly remembers the day that she almost fell for his charms and sweet talking, she gasped and immediately ran past him. "You!" She stops as she stood on the sidewalk, "What are you doing here in front of doc's house?" She asked in a rather interrogative manner, probably because of being flustered after meeting this man once more which she was hoping to never meet ever again.

"You're connected with him?" The man asked her, stepping down on the front porch and walked towards her. "Not really connected but... acquainted. Yeah, we're just simple acquaintances." She clears her throat and avoided his piercing gaze through the fabric covering his eyes.

"Strange. I didn't expect that he'd be this "acquainted" with someone." He mumbled quietly to himself. "Anyways, have you noticed or.. felt anything weird?"

She glanced at him, feeling weary of his question. "Weird? In what way?" She wanted to make sure but that might've not been the best course of action to take. This piqued the sorcerer's curiosity, if he was talking to a normal civilian they would've answered no by now and left, but this woman didn't. In fact, she even asked him a question of what, meaning that she knows something.

This was a discovery that he had to see through. "You already know what I do and I came here exactly because of that. Now if you'd just tell me- why is it that when I'm facing and talking to you right now I sense something... off about you." He takes a few steps closer, his presence suddenly intimidating the woman who backed off slowly out of instinct.

He notices her whole demeanor- avoidant, unwilling to say the truth which meant that- "Off? I don't know anything about that. Besides, I'm not one to involve myself into your world, gojo-san." -she would lie.

This confirmed everything that he wanted to know and gave a rise to one more question that he'll be finding the answer in a matter of time- ' What are you hiding behind everybody's backs, Amamiya Miju. '

He decided to lay off with the questioning before it arises suspicion from the woman to him. He steps back to form a normal distance between them and he goes back to his carefree and cheery persona. "Yeah, you're definitely right about that, miju-chan. It would be a bad idea to get you involved with our business, sorry 'bout that!" - ' Unless you've been involved with our business at a specific point of time. Now that's gonna be a problem between us, and I would absolutely hate for that to happen. '

𝐌𝐄𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐘 𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐄 -𝗍𝗈𝗃𝗂 𝖿𝗎𝗌𝗁𝗂𝗀𝗎𝗋𝗈Where stories live. Discover now