ten # comforting silence between us

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third pov

The sun rised at last and the events from last night were all taken by the darkness of the night. What happened between them got buried along with the other events that happened to every people in the world. The two also didn't mention anything about the serious and honest talk that they had, which the girl was quite anxious about.

She was wondering why he seemed like he didn't just hear the mind boggling fact about her last night. Almost as if the memory was.. erased.

She bit down on her nail thinking about it, her heart beating fast from the anxiety as her mind was filled with questions and speculations without any grounded or solid proof. Her arrival– well, her being sent back into time and meeting the ghost she's stuck with in the future now alive in the past simply living the path for him that's pre-determined by destiny.

She obviously didn't belong here at all. And by giving it some hard focused thinking, she decided to find a way to bring herself back into the actual present.

–"You gonna eat or what? Your stomach's been complaining all this time." He cut her off of her deep thought with a plate held by his hand. She silently stared at him in slight confusion before her eyes saw the plate and she realized that she was indeed starving.

Without saying a word she received the plate of food that he was giving to her. "You're acting weird all of a sudden. Did something happen?" He sat down with her on the couch and if he didn't act strange enough, him striking up a conversation with her was all the strangest of things.

This was foreign to her, she doesn't know how to act in this simple situation. It was just a little difficult for her.

"..No, nothing happened." She shortly replied to his question and went back at eating her meal.

He glanced at her and saw that she was not engaging well into the casual atmosphere between them. He rubbed the sides of his head from the headache that he's been having, causing him to not act like his usual self. Although the reason for this headache was a mystery. A simple lack of sleep or not enough coffee wasn't the correct answer for this.

With their minds occupied with each of their own thoughts, a rather comforting silence surrounded the apartment. Just them sitting beside each other, a few feet away from each other.

' Does he really not remember anything? After all the courage I mustered up to tell him the truth.. only for him to forget and act like nothing happened. Isn't that too cruel of him? '

' Did I do something so wrong that I can sense the barrier blocking me from reaching out to her? I don't wanna admit it but, I guess I should apologize for whatever it is that I did wrong to her. '

"Um, so–" , "–Hey, I.." they both turned their heads to face each other, speaking up at the same time and also having the same expression on their faces. They paused for a moment and not a second later, she bursts out into fits of laughter.

' Is she.. okay now? ' he asked himself in his mind as he saw her laugh till tears of laughter came from her eyes. This made him snicker, the corners of his lips forming a small smile as he looked at her.

She noticed him looking at her with that expression on his face and for some odd reason this made her feel embarrassed and her cheeks grew warm all of a sudden. Her eyes roamed everywhere except for him and his gaze.

𝐌𝐄𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐘 𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐄 -𝗍𝗈𝗃𝗂 𝖿𝗎𝗌𝗁𝗂𝗀𝗎𝗋𝗈Where stories live. Discover now