Chapter 1- The Good Friends

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Y/n L/n Pov

Fiora: Now class turn to page.....

Fuck. 11 more days till Christmas and 4 more days till my birthday. I have been slacking for month. Maybe I should get them some plushies or something like that. But I am also excited for my birthday. I wonder what the girls will give me.

Hey. The name is Y/n L/n. I am just your normal average highschooler.. This is my last year of High School. You may be wondering why I said 'I wonder what the girls will give me'. Well I have four girlfriends. You would be asking now how is that possible? To be honest I don't know. I am not part of the cool kids or anything. Their names are Ahri, Evelynn, Akali, and Kai'sa. Those four are the most important people in the world, and my recently diseased younger brother Randall.

We were re-enacting scenes from our favorite movie, Tomb Buster in a cave. While playing inside the cave my brother Randall became trapped inside during heavy downpour, and was drowned inside that place. I became depressed and almost committed suicide but my girlfriends were there to save me. It took some time to cope with his death and I knew that he wouldn't want me to suffer.

Me and my brother are adopted. My "father" is a jackass to me. And my "mother" is a slut. I know that those are some strong words but it's the truth. They'll always prefer Randall over me. I used to be jealous but I didn't care anymore. Me and him share a close bond but it broke.

We also talked about our future. After high school we wanted to be like Indiana Jones. Always going to adventures. Explore the most dangerous places and find hidden treasures. But now that he is gone I will carry on the dream and fulfill his last wish.

You know maybe getting the girls animal plushies ain't a bad idea for their Christmas gift-


Ouch what happened? My head hurts it's like if I was hit with-

Fiora: Pay attention to my class Y/n L/n.

That was Ms. Fiora. She teaches us how to fight mainly sparring and also telling us that there is no glory when you or you comrades fall.

Y/n: I am sorry miss I was just too busy in thoughts that I did no-

Fiora: It is okay but next time just please pay attention to my class so you would know how to fight when you are in grave danger.

Y/n L/n: Yes Madame Fiora.

Fiora: As I was saying will glory be there for every failure. Will glory lift you through all your trials. A true hero seeks excellence. So when you face death's terrible jaws, you will not falter.


Fiora: Well class has ended. Tomorrow we will begin sparring matches starting with Y/n and Sett. Now go to lunch.

I love the speeches she makes. The speeches she makes would motivate me when I am stuck on a hard obstacle.

After I left the classroom I straight up went to the music room. I saw the girls walking out of it not even noticing me so I did what a good boyfriend would do. I scared the shit out of them. They were not laughing but I was. Who would have known that the diva and the rebel would get scared. Eve is known for her bitchy reputation and blackmailing some people. While Akali is known as the ninja.

Ahri: You just scared the shit out of me.

Kai'sa: You know how me and Ahri get scared easily.

Y/n: I know. That is why I did it. Oh you should have seen the look on your faces especially yours Evelynn since your the 'Diva'. *laughs*

Evelynn: Watch your tounge Y/n or else you will be punished and I know the kind of punishment I will do to you. And it won't be pretty.

So I would do these kind of pranks and she would get me with that. I am shivering right now. Okay calm down it isn't like she would tie me up on her bed and-

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