Act 1 Chapter 4 - Familiar Faces

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Moon Knight pov

How do I feel right now......... nothing but i am so bored right now. Literally nothing has happened in the concert.

Moon Knight: Why can't we just go out and beat some bad guys.

Y/n: We can't, we're gonna see if he is in trouble or not.

Moon Knight: Literally you can see what he can do...... he can clearly handle if there was a situation.

Jake: Calm down let's just stay until the show is over.

Steven: Yeah just calm down and plus i actually like the music he is playing on the violin.

Moon Knight: Of course you would like it. You have an odd taste in music Steven.

Steven: I'll have you know that classical music isn't bad.

Moon Knight: yeah, yeah whatever.

Timeskip to 3:30 a.m.

We were watching the show for what felt like hours and hours and hours. Until........

Moon Knight: Hey do you see those group of girls?

Y/n: Yes but why do you ask?

Moon Knight: Don't they look familiar to you?

Jake: They do but where have we seen them?

Steven: Beats me but it looks like they are having a conversation.

Moon Knight: You know what how about we enter and just be at safe distance.

Y/n: Sure but who will take the wheel?

Everyone looks at Steven.

Steven: Fine I'll go there just get us down from here moon knight.

Moon Knight: Fine Pussy

Steven: Just why

Moon Knight: You are the sissy of the group.

Steven just sigh, hehehe it's funny teasing him.

Third Pov

After Steven took the wheel and changed into his outfit he then went inside the concert.

After Steven took the wheel and changed into his outfit he then went inside the concert

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Your outfit

Steven pov

Steven: Do you see them guys?

Y/n: No I don't see them..... Hey Moon Knight you find them?

Moon Knight: They are over there.

Moon Knight then pointed to where our targets are. It looks like they are having a conversation.

Mr. Knight: So now what are we going to spy them or what?

Steven: I was thinking talking to them.

Y/n: Are you crazy?

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