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As time went on kda became a world famous kpop band with their song Pop/star. They still havent gotten over Y/n death. They would visit his tombstone together or individual. They made a promise that they wouldn't date for reasons. They would go to his tombstone to tell how they were doing in life and etc. Once they were famous they then put a wanted post on the internet to be their personal driver. The first one to know this was Khonshu. He tells the mc and well he didn't take it very good.

Y/n: nonononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononnononononononononononononono

Jake: are you done?

Steven: *shakes head while sighing*


Khonshu: Look i know that you don't like the idea of working for them but Bushman is here and he WILL use the girls against you.

Frenchie: Are you ok? Marc? Y/n?
(Yep since Frenchie cannot see and hear Jake, Steven, and Khonshu he doesn't know what they are even talking about)

Yeah New Bushman aka Sett knows that Y/n is moon knight. How did he knew that he was the anti hero? Well.....

5 months ago


The hero stumbled a little bit from the punch of Bushman.

Bushman: Not so tough are you Moon Knight.

MoonKnight: I was just getting started.

They then fought to the point that both their masks are worn out.

Bushman: Y/n????????

MoonKnight: Sett???????

MoonKnight then quickly threw a right hook to Sett while he was still shocked as how this guy was still alive.


MoonKnight: Yeah that's right I died in the warehouse. Sett? Remember? You can't kill me.... Nothing can.

They fought till Sett can no longer fight and had to flee.

Timeskip to one month later and we find Y/n talking to Frenchie while he heard a voice from behind.

????: All those years and I finally get to see you.

Y/n: Who are you

?????: It hurts that you don't even remember your old man

Y/n: Father??????

Marc: Yes son it's me come give your old man a hug

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Marc: Yes son it's me come give your old man a hug

The Spector family is now reunited. Then sepatated from the hug and Marc hugged Frenchie. Y/n asked his father why he abandoned him and his father told him that the original Bushman knew that he had a kid. He also told him that Bushman killed mom and wrote in her blood in the walls that said "YOUR CHILD IS NEXT MARC". After that he ran and put the basket that contained the mc as a baby and dropped it off at a random house.

He defeated Bushman but got away. 5 years later and killed Bushman (not knowing that bushman's kid was also watching him from afar. Sett swore revenge that he will kill Marc and Y/n because he believes that with them being dead his father would now be at peace).

Now onto the present day.

Khonshu: Just hear me out. You will not be the working for them it will be Jake. With Jake taking the wheel. They will most certainly not being able to recognize you. Your facial structure will change a little bit.

Marc: if you won't do it for the girls then doit for me. I know that you are mad at them but people could change.

Y/n: Alright I will do it

Marc: Great i just send your application

Y/n: Already

Marc: No i send it when you said alight

Y/n: *Sigh* ok did they accept it.

Marc: Yes they did and want you to go to their penthouse tomorrow 7:30 a.m. for the interview.

Y/n: Fine we'll see you tomorrow

Everybody: Good night.

So then Y/n now as Jake went to the kda penthouse and got accepted to be their personal driver. But Kai'sa is suspicious about their new personal driver. Like she has seen him before but where. Those eyes are like cold but not too cold. She swear she has seen those type of eyes somewhere but where.

Some 5 month have passed and kda got to know Jake a little bit but Kai sa suspicion grew more and more. The food he eats are the same food that Y/n used to eat.

Also in that same amount of time Y/n got a new personality name Mister Knight.

Same as Moon Knight but he works better with the enforcers and operates in the daytime

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Same as Moon Knight but he works better with the enforcers and operates in the daytime. Y/n has also received lots of physical and mental training from his father so Y/n could a better moon knight than his father ever was. So Y/n could protect his loved ones because he doesn't want of what happened to him would happen to Y/n.

10:00 p.m.
(Just to let you know Y/n is now 24 years old)

Khonshu: it is time Bushman is on the move.

Marc: good luck son may the moon be with you everywhere you go.

Y/n: Thanks father I will take care of myself with the help of Steven, Jake, MoonKnight, and Mister Knight.

As Y/n and his personalities went out to look for Bushman he doesn't know what will happen when he enters an abandoned warehouse.

Author: End of the origins arch and now we are going to move to another arch.

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