Act 2 Chapter 5 - The Beginning Of A Storm

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Y/n Pov

After the beat down of those idiots we got out of the concert and went out to eat. We decided to eat at a Shurimian fancy restaurant. This restaurant is said to be a 5 star place. Really expensive of the foods. So now my expectations of the place is really high. We were about to arrive the place when

Akali: Do you think that they have ramen?

Ahri: Only one way to find out.

As we entered the place, the waitress immediately recognized them.

Waitress: Omg omg omg kda. I am such a huge fan. For how many? Four?

Kai'sa: Actually it's five.

The waitress look at me and said.

Waitress: Oh a charity work. You kda have a kind heart to let this poor man to eat with you.

She then stares at me.

Waitress: You should feel lucky that your eating with a famous k pop group.

Y/n: Poor? I am sorry but do you even know who I am?

Waitress: Uh I am I supposed to?

Y/n: Wait here girls. I will be back.

I left the restaurant and changed into my fancy suit.

Y/n: Alright Steven. Would you like to do the honors?

Steven: Certainly. Now time to show the waitress who we are.

Steven Pov

I came back to the restaurant and went to the place where the girls are at.

Y/n: Now do you know who I am? If not I will give you a hint. I was the owner of a business called Rolex.

The waitress look at me stunned.

Waitress: Y-your S-s-steven G-grant. I am so sorry for my rudeness. As an apology, i could lick your shoes, be your maid, of offer my body to you or-

Y/n: Calm down woman. I accept your apology. But be kind to other people like the middle class and the lower class. They are human as well.

Waitress: Yes sir.

Y/n: Just Steven.

And then i winked at her.

Ahri: I think you broke her Steven.

Y/n: Let's just go to our tables ladies.

Akali: Can you please change into Y/n. I am not accustomed to the other personalities that Y/n has.

Y/n: So are we going to our tables or not.

Kda: Huhhhh????

Eve: How did you do that?

Y/n: Do what?

Eve: Nevermind. Let's go.

Y/n: Is the waitress going to be okay or......

Kai'sa: I don't know.

Y/n: Let me do something. This may work or may not work.

I did something that the girls were not expecting. I blow hot air at the waitress' neck. I was hoping that would work but she collapsed on the ground with a blush? Okay i need to get out of here.

As we sat at the tables we began to tell our order to a waiter.

Y/n: I would like to have your famous Chicken Shawarma.

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