The Goldfish Problem Part 2

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Steven Pov


How did I get into this situation!? I try to run away but there were everywhere. I turn around to be met with an angry priest.

Steven: Sorry. Oh, God. I'm just gonna... I'm gonna go, all right? Yeah. Oh, God. Oh, God. I see you're angry. I know I've made you angry. I'm sorry, yeah? Please, I don't...*runs away*

Steven: Oh, God.

????: Don't you dare drop the scarab!

Steven: Alright, alright, alright!

I ran toward a cupcake van. I get inside and the keys were still in the ignition. So I started it and drove off. I got out of the village and headed towards nowhere.

Steven: What am I doing? What am I doing? I don't even have my license.

I look in the rearview mirror and there were lots of cars chasing me.

Steven: Oh, my God. Bugger, there are so many of them. This has to be a dream. This has to be a dream. They're gonna kill me. They're gonna kill me. Come on, you bloody cupcake van! Move it!

They started to beep at me. I look back and they were hot on my tail. I look at the front road to see that I was almost going to hit a truck with chickens. I beeped at the truck.

Steven: Come on! Move your ass!* about to pass the truck* Thank you. So sorry. Thank you.

The old man gives me the middle finger.

Steven: Charming.



A guy made it inside the van and was about to attack me. I started to throw cupcakes at him.

Steven: Wait, wait, wait! I'm sorry, I'm sorry about the cupcake. *sees a car next to me with a passenger about to shoot me* No, no, no!


Wait, what? HOW THE FUCK DO I HAVE A GUN?!?!? I dropped it. I turn around and saw the attacker dead and fallen off the truck.

????: Wake up, Marc! If he loses the scarab, I'll kill you both.

Steven: I don't understand what's happening!

?????: Truck, stupid!

Steven: What?

????: Truck!

*sees truck*

( Truck horn blaring )


I quickly drifted the van to avoid being hit. Two cars were on my tail. They were now both of my side. The car on my left side and right side aims their guns at me.

Steven: Oh, no, no, no!


Steven: Huh? Oh, God. I'm driving backwards!

One car drove off the cliff while the other car was in front of me. I throw my gun at them.

?????: Did he just throw the gun?

Steven: I don't know what I'm doing.

?????: Then leave us be, parasite!

The car hits me again making me spin and it made the van stopped. I tried to turn it on but to no avail. The last car stopped in front of me.

Steven: Oh shit.

Two guys came out and aim the guns at me. I just raised my hands up. They were about to shoot me but the logs from the truck came down and took them away.

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