Act 1 Chapter 5 - AYO WHAT THE FUCK!

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Y/n pov

Well that was something. I was watching the tv. They were talking about when they will put the murderer Golden Demon to justice. Just then the other me woke up and didn't like what they said on the news.

G Y/n: Buuuuullshit.

Y/n: Looks like you're famous.

G Y/n: Not me, the Golden Demon is.

Jake: Same difference.

Y/n: You speak as it was someone else that does that.

G Y/n: Because it is. He talks inside my mind along with Jinx sometimes and when he is in control my eyes shine differently.

I was still watching the news on about him.

G Y/n: It is now 8:00 am now...... I'll go out for a walk, I could use some stretching.

Y/n: You're not going to murder anyone?

G Y/n: We don't strike when the sun is up. Kinda ruins the fun of inflicting fears on the streets.

He then grabbed the keys and stood on the front door.

G Y/n: Oh and don't try to play the hero, this streets are full of ungrateful people that will love to watch as hero die for them.

As he was about to leave the apartment he looked back at me.

G Y/n: And i like you enough for not to kill you and believe me I think both us could pull a pretty good fight. So try not to prevent my murders because i highly doubt that the Golden Demon will stop himself if you get on my way.

He then got out and went for a walk.

Steven: well what should we do.

Jake: Have any of you played Go Fish.

Jake then got out a deck of cards out of nowhere.

Y/n: Sure why not.

To us we are playing go fish but to other people it looks like me just sitting with a deck of cards that are in the middle of the table and staring at them intensively.

Timeskip brought to by Sett doing evil stuff back at our universe.

Well the game is really intense. The other me came back took a shower. Wonder what that is all about.

Steven: Y/n do you have five?

Y/n: Nope Go Fish you bitch.

Steven grunted and took out a card on the top of the deck.

Jake: You know it's weird that the other you looks like he have to go somewhere or else he is getting fired.

Y/n: Yeah but why like where is he going.

Steven: Beats me.

Y/n: Hey what time is it?

Steven then took a look on his watch and said.

Steven: it is currently 5 pm gents.

I then got up and took a look out at the window. The view is somewhat good.

Y/n: Going somewhere.

G Y/n: Date with Ahri for info.

Y/n: You are extremely desperate for your girlfriend huh?

G Y/n: i mean, i don't know if you've ever gotten laid but that girl just ufff! She sure knows how to move. Plus i love her and she's everything I've got left.

Y/n: You want me to watch over you?

G Y/n: Nope. I believe that if I'm in trouble the Golden Demon will bail me out. Now it's my turn to ask a question! What kinda latex is your suit made out of.

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