Chapter Eighteen: Alex

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     "Sir?" A voice came over the walkie talkie.
    "Yes?" I replied. While I had been on the phone with Clarissa, I had gotten Tabitha to drink an entire bottle of water. She refused to eat any crackers.  
     "You and your wife are down there, correct?"
     "Yes," I replied.
     "How are you both doing?"
     "I am alright, but my wife is unconscious. I think someone drugged her. I got her to drink one of the bottles of water, but her fever isn't coming down," I replied stroking her head.
    "We are doing everything we can to get you out of there, my name is Ryan. With any luck we will have you out of there in the next 30 minutes. We have attached a manual motor to the elevator car, the automatic one seems to have been tampered with. Do you know of anyone who may want to hurt you or your wife?"
     "Not off-hand, but I am the CEO of Laventis Corporations, and her parents were killed in some sort of accident, but I'm not sure of the nature of it," I spoke, stroking her hair.
     'Who would want to hurt you?' I thought. 'Then again, I guess I did before now. I wouldn't let you speak, I called you names, I assumed that you'd been promiscuous, and yet, if you don't like being touched, I doubt you'd willingly let others touch you.'
    "You're doing everything right. Try holding one of the cool waterbottles on your wife's head to help bring down her temperature. Is she allowed to take ibuprofen?" Ryan asked.
    "I'm not sure, she said she was allergic to alot of medications, but she was so out of it, she couldn't remember which ones," I spoke as I grabbed one of the bottles of water and pressed it to her forehead. Her hand weakly lifted and held my forearm in shock.
    Her lips moved as she tried to talk, but nothing came out.
    "Shhhh," I whispered. "You need this to help your fever, it's just like the first one you had on you."
     "I'm n-not s-sure what's h-happening, but if I d-die," she chattered softly, her teeth clicking against eachother. She moved her hand to my cheek, but her eyes stayed closed.
     "You aren't going to die," I whispered stroking her cheek.
      "I-if I do, p-promise m-me you'll f-fight f-for C-Clarissa," her body was starting to shake again. "P-please, they're n-not g-good p-people," she added as a tear streaked down her cheek.
     "I promise. But there will be nothing to worry about," I smiled sadly, wiping her tear. Her head fell limply to the side and her body began to shake violently, not just shiver.
    I quickly removed her from my lap and balled up my coat beneath her head. I laid her on her side, with her mouth angled downward so if she spat up, she wouldn't choke. "No-no-no," I called out worriedly as I rubbed her back. I grabbed the walkie talkie. "My wife is having a seizure," I rambled. "I propped her head and laid her on her side with her mouth downward. But I don't know what else to do."
    "Sir, I know this is difficult but I need you to take a deep breath, if you're panicked, we cannot help your wife. When did the seizure start?" Ryan asked.
     "About 30 seconds ago, I moved her and radioed you," I replied. "Okay, you are doing everything right. Let me know the exact moment her convulsions stop."
     I rubbed her back soothingly trying to let her know she wasn't alone. After awhile it stopped. "She stopped." 
    "A minute and 37 seconds. We are coming to get you now," Ryan spoke.


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