Chapter Fifty Eight: Tabitha

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~*~ TW sexual abuse this chapter ~*~

My body ached. I didn't know how long I had been here. My arms and legs were chained to a metal bed. I couldn't move.

"Well well, look what the cat dragged in," a familiar voice called out.

I struggled against my bindings trying to see if my ears had deceived me. Standing on the other side of the room was my foster monster, and beside him was Alex's assistant, Allison.

"Why are you doing this?" I cried, terror wracking through my body.

"I've only taken back what is mine," he jeered.

"I was never yours!" I yelled.

"My marks all over your body suggest otherwise," he spoke walking closer. He ran his hand down my arm to my stomach before ripping my shirt in half.
I flinched as he rested his hand on my bare stomach. "So, the little bastard is in here, is it? Play nice and I won't hurt it," he taunted.

"I'll be going now, I've done my end of things," Allison called out with a smirk.

"Allison please!" I begged. She ran across the room and smacked me hard across my face. "You were never supposed to have him. He was supposed to be mine!" She screamed grabbing my cheeks in her hand.

"You poisoned me at the wedding," I spoke, realization setting in.

"Indeed I did, I didn't count on Alex saving you. But now that you're gone, I'll help soothe him and dear Clarissa through their loss and claim him for myself," she giggled maniacally. 

"You're insane," I spoke. "He may not love me, but he will hate you." She slapped me again and again before storming off.

"Since that pretty little face of yours is all bruised up, let's try something else," he sneered ripping off my pants.

"Please, no," I begged as he slid my underwear to the side. He stuck two large fingers inside me.

"How tragic, you're not even wet for Papa," he taunted as the tears slid down my cheeks. "I missed the way you beg."

Just then the man from the elevator entered the room. "The boss wants her to talk to Laventis," he growled as my step monster drilled his fingers into me.

"Now?" My step monster yelled. "How convenient. He motioned to the elevator man as he flipped me over.i struggled, but it was no use. He pinned me down on my stomach as my step monster refastened my chains. He placed a pillow beneath my hips and I knew what he planned to do next.

"Please don't," I begged, tears streaming down my face.

"Make the call," my stepmonster laughed as I heard a zipper come undone.

I could hear the phone ringing as I tried my best to separate myself from my body. Every soft touch I'd recieved from Alex felt like a lie. But this, this felt like hell. Every word, every promise he'd uttered was part of the facade.

"Where the fuck is my wife!" Alex yelled out as he answered the phone.

"She's right here, though I doubt she will answer. She's enjoying my touch," my stepmonster taunted as he trust into me, forcing me to let out a disgusted sob.

"What are you doing to her!" Alex yelled. "Tabitha, focus on my voice baby, I'm coming for you, and for our child. Please just hang in there, I love you," he spoke. He words filled me with little hope, more lies.

This is where I would always end up.

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