Chapter Thirty One: Alexios

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I carried Tabitha into the master suite. There was a large sitting area with two couches and a coffee table. A large bay window was placed behind it. To our left was my home office and a small guest bathroom. To our right was the master bedroom. I walked toward it and pushed the door open.
A four poster bed waited for us at the center of the back wall. A large mounted tv rested behind us on the wall that shared the door. To our right was a large walk in closet, and a large bathroom.
I approached the bed and lowered Tabitha down onto it. She began to stir. "Shhh, it's okay we are home now," I whispered kissing her forehead. I untied her shoes and pulled them off of her feet.
"Where's Clarissa?" She mumbled, opening her eyes.
"She's in the bedroom next to ours. After I get you settled, I'm going to help her unpack and tuck her in," I replied.
"Okay," she whispered softly. "May i take a bath?"
"Yeah, let me go get it ready for you," I spoke, kissing her forehead.
"Okay," she replied trying to sit up.
I walked into the bathroom and turned on the tub, waiting for the water to reach the right temperature. Then I put in the stopper and let the tub fill a little over half way. I hit the button to turn on the whirlpool jets and turned to the cabinet under the sink.
While Tabitha had been in the hospital, my mother had visited to drop off some things. Under the cabinet I found Coconut Hibiscus scented bath salts, bubble bath, shampoo, conditioner, sucar scrub, bath bombs, and body wash. As I thought back, that must be the heavenly scent I smelled on Tabitha. I opened the wrapper for the bath bomb and tossed it into the tub. Then I added in a bit of bubble bath and Epsom salt. I added a bit more hot water before turning it off and returning to the bedroom. She had drifted off again, sitting upright.
"Tab, your bath is ready," I whispered to her, kissing her forehead and stroking her hair.
"Thank you," she whispered, sliding off of the bed.
"Your suitcase is here in the closet," he spoke. "Tomorrow we can get it unpacked."
"Sounds like a plan," she whispered going over to it. She stumbled a little, but caught herself on the door frame.
"Would you like me to grab your clothes? Or I can grab a pair of my shorts and a tshirt for you," I offered.
"Would you please?" She mumbled.
I quickly grabbed her a pair of my soft black shorts I wear to sleep and a large tshirt. "I'm setting them here on the counter, next to your towel."
"Thank you," she whispered tiredly. She walked into the bathroom.
"Do you need any help?" I asked worriedly. "I won't peek."
"Thank you," she almost smiled. To reassure her, I grabbed a clean towel and wrapped it around my eyes before trying it in the back. She giggled a little. "Thank you," she repeated.
I could hear her removing her clothes and thanked myself internally for wearing loose sweatpants so she wouldn't notice the effect she had on me. I took a deep breath as I felt her hands wrap around my arm.
"I just don't want to slip getting in," she whispered nervously. I turned and steadied her as she slid into the tub. I heard her moving around before she softly spoke. "Alright, I'm all covered."
I reached up and slowly removed my blindfold. I turned back to look at her. The bubbles completely covered her body, leaving her head to poke out. I had to suppress the urge to strip down and slide in behind her. But Clarissa needed me now. "I have other things for you too," I spoke, setting the shampoo, conditioner, bodywash, and sugar scrub beside her.
"Thank you," she smiled, closing her eyes and relaxing. "This is amazing. I could honestly live in your tub."
"Our tub," I corrected with a smile. She opened her eyes and stared at me.
"I guess you're right," she smiled. "This is really happening, isn't it?"
"It is," I laughed, kissing the top of her head.

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