Chapter 3

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Mishti P.O.V

" So students , see you all after winter break. Enjoy and after your break , everyone will have classes for a week before you start your internship program. All your internship details should be submitted on or before your commencement of internship to the department. Okay.. students the class is over.." saying this Mr Basu left , the head of our department.

This was the last class of ours before our winter break. I'm really excited to start my internship program after the break. Though I'm a book worm , practical experiences help a lot right.

Thinking about all these I was packing my belongings when someone nudged my shoulder. That's none other than my only best friend Naira Singhania.

We both are together since our school. The only person who knows almost everything about me other than my family.

" Mishti.. I'm super duper excited for the holidays.. God! Finally I could stay in my bed for a longer time in the morning.." squealed Naira

" Tu pagal hai..! Who will squeal like a school kid for holiday to stay in bed..?" I questioned her while giggling

" Accha.. toh me bacchi hu! Then you tell me what are you going to do?" she counter questioned me

" I will just snuggle with teddy all night.. Peacefully" I replied with a silly smile

" Ab kon bacchi hai? "

" Hey.. even adults do snuggling and cuddling.. " I exclaimed little defensively

" Yes. True but when you do that with your boyfriend you are an adult not when you do all cuddling with your teddy bear ! " she replied in a over sweetness coated tone

" Whatever " muttering these we made our way to the parking. It's just 1 in afternoon so we thought of having lunch in a nearby family restaurant just 10 minutes away. You know I'll become a Hulk if I get extremely hungry.. And right now I'm almost near the extreme..

I ordered my usual aloo paratha and Naira had chole bhature. After lunch I dropped Naira at her house and started to move towards my home. I was passing by the lakeside which I always admire from a distance while driving by this way.

I stopped the car. Today I felt like going near it to enjoy its nature , though it's afternoon , the place was shady because of the trees. When I stepped out of my car , a strong breeze hitted my face.

I begin to walk towards the lake. The view was beautiful even at this time. Wondering how would it be during sunrise and sunset , continued to move forward. That's when I saw a wooden bench and a tent near the tree shade..

Thinking and looking at the place , I went near the bench. " Yeh tent and bench yaha kese? Aur this particular area is a little away from the road? " pondering to myself.

Once I reached the bench I saw a Ganesh dollar chain near the edge of it on the ground. I picked it up and was inspecting it. You know I'm a little curious cat but only little.

Suddenly someone held my hand and swirl turned me , making me to lose my balance and fall on the ground with the person who pulled me.

I directly landed above the person with my hair covering my face. After few seconds I got up , dusted my hands and turned to go. And again that guy grabbed my forearm to turn. I pulled back harshly and moved back a step saying " Oh Hello..what ?"

" Chorni ke sath sath violent bhi hu tum? " uttered the guy who was wearing a dark blue shirt with top button open , sleeves folded till elbows and a dark blue formal pant and his hair was messed a little but still he looked like a hot chocolate for me.. " Arggh.. Mishti idiot.. hot chocolate!! Seriously!stop it now! " I shouted at me in my mind

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