Chapter 16

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Mishti P.O.V

It's been few days I started my work back in the Management Department. Everything is perfect. Home , Family and Friends , Studies and Work , all are doing well.

Day by day I learn and gain knowledge in my work. My thoughts were interrupted by my phone ringing ,

" Yes Naira.."

" Mish don't forget today lunch is at the eatery across our building..better come on time than running around your files.." Naira informed me in a warning tone.

" I remember. I'll be on time." replying I hang the call and resumed my work.

Finishing the file , I cleared my things and taking my phone and purse , I headed out to the elevator when Shreya called out me.

" Mishti!" she came half running towards me and before I could ask her , she requested ,

" Mishti can you please give this file to Abir Sir. I'm on hurry to set the conference room for lunch meeting. I can't give this file to others to submit moreover Sir requires this immediately. Please. Please. Please."

Placing the file on my palm and she rushed away not waiting for my reply.

" I'll buy you your favourite chocolate!!" She shouted while hurrying back.

Shaking my head at her nature , I pressed the elevator button to come to my floor. Looking at my watch , I told myself

" 10 minutes baki hai Naira waha aane ko.. I'll give this to Abir and head there.."

" File dene jarahe ho ya us bahane me Abir ko dekhne jarahe ho!?" I mind commented.

Shutting off the voice , I walked into the elevator and pressed his floor and waited.

Daily I see Abir either at the parking , at the lobby , lunch time , to submit files at times or while leaving to home.

And to be honest , I always wish to get a glimpse of him everyday. Reason unknown yet.

The ding sound of the elevator brought me out of my thinking world. Smiling at the floor receptionist , I knocked Abir's office door.

" Come in" came a cold voice.

Going in I saw Arjun already standing near the file shelf taking something out. I turned my head and saw Abir furiously typing on his laptop. His eyes were devoid.

" Sir the file you have asked from the Management Department." I said by placing in on his table.

" Okay. You may go." he replied in blunt tone.

He didn't even spare me a glance nor spoke in a normal tone. Frowning at this fact I nodded and went out.

Dropping a text to Shreya , I was walking towards the eatery. While going I consoled myself by reasoning his odd behaviour that he might have been in work pressure or something.

Having lunch we went back to work. But I couldn't stop my mind from drifting to Abir.


It's been two days since I went to Abir's office to give that file. I didn't got a chance to see him after that. Through Arjun and few others talkings I got to know that he came early and left the office very lately at night and has been maintaining his cold attitude.

Even though Abir is a cheerful and cool person , when it's about profession he maintains a calm posture. It's not usual that he acts all cold as ice and fierce as fire. The last time I saw him like this was on Knights project fiasco.

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