Meteor shower

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In which N takes Uzi to a special little place he found. And they happen to witness a once in a lifetime event there.

(Plus a little something I made at the end‐)

Bonding time and quite a bit of fluff- enjoy!


"How long still?" Came a question through the wind whirring around. Her purple locks blinded Uzi's visor slightly with every whir of the wind. No matter how much she looked around and tried to remember if she saw this place, she just seemed to not recognise it, as if it's completely new territory.

"Just a bit longer, and then we'll have to go up!" A male voice responded, turning around to look at a groaning Uzi as she swatted her hair from her visor to see again.

"Up? What do you mean up? Don't think you're gonna make me climb some stuff after waking me up so early, idiot!" She responded grumpily as the taller let out a slight chuckle.

"I'll fly you up there! You won't have to climb!" He said with a smile, Uzi huffing. He woke her up from a good dream! She was meeting her favourite anime protagonist... And no, it's not childish, okay?! NOT A WORD TO ANYONE!

"N, I swear to my motherboard if you just want to show me something dumb.." She growled out, N rising his hands at that in defense. "You'll like it, I promise!" He said quickly.

She huffed and groaned again. "Okay, fine, move on already, we don't have all night." She said and N only nodded in response, leading her further and further into the desolate unknown land.

The ground all around was a cold dead place, as everything around here is after all, but that's not the point. The point was that it felt unnerving, scary even, to be led into a place you don't know. Especially during the night!

Both N and V mentioned other teams of Murder Drones, therefore there was still the danger that someone from another squad could find them and massacre them both.

It took another good while of just seeing cold deserts filled with fresh snow and old debris, but eventually, they saw some outlines of buildings in the distance. There was an ominous mist around this place, so it seemed way creepier, but also very fascinating at the same time.

Uzi actually had to stop for a moment to take in the scenery. Even tho she had seen moments like these multiple times, they were still only in video and not seen with her own eyes. This was something new.

After a while of silence, in which she noticed N stopped beside her, she looked at him. "Is this the thing you woke me up for?" She asked, letting her tone sound way more unimpressed and annoyed than she actually was right now.

She might have been before, but right now after seeing this, she was actually quite curious about all that was hidden out there. And especially if it looked this cool.

N shook his head with that dorky smile still on, never leaving. "Nope! Just a bit more and we'll be there!" He said, with excitement. Uzi got almost smacked by N's tail as he went past her and started to go into the misty town. It looked to be a town at least.

She was quick to follow, yet, there was still the worry of someone attacking them. Not all Disassembly Drones are as nice and as dumb as N after all. Take the 'dumb' part about N with a grain of salt tho. He was a little dumb sometimes, but he was still a great friend and she wouldn't stand someone calling him anything awful.

"N? N, wait up, God dang it! You and your long legs.." She grumbled out as N stopped at her request and turned to her a bit, confused. "Yeah?" He asked as Uzi neared him.

Murder Drones oneshots (Mainly N and Uzi)Where stories live. Discover now