"Unpleasant" meeting

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In which N and Uzi get jumped by some new folk.

Yes, this is the continuation to Meteor Shower.

And yes, there are gonna be a couple of my ocs in this whole book, because how else are you supposed to have a fleshed out world and characters to interact with the two? Plus, it makes it feel more "alive" if you get what I mean-

And I know it's kinda eh to add ocs here, but uh- yeah- it's for plot purposes, I swear-
And yes, I know I've denied use of other's ocs because I do not know how to properly keep them in character :"))

Also this OC is one I once mentioned already, you'll maybe know who I'm talking about, or, more like where they're from ;))


N let out a little sigh as he slowly leaned his head on Uzi's a bit. He felt comfortable. Almost as if he could just close his eyes and slowly drift off to the realm of sweet dreams.

He was with his best friend, looking at a beautiful scenery, everything was calm and safe ... She was even petting his tail a bit! How sweet! A soft smile found it's way onto his face once again, eyes getting half-lidded as he was almost ready to just close his eyes and sleep for a bit. Just a little!

However, there won't be no such time for that. Uzi looked at N a little, probably just now noticing he leaned back on her as well. Slowly breaking out of her amazement, an embarrassed blush showed up on her cheeks and she quickly let go of N's tail, snapping her visor away from him.

He blinked, letting out a little chuckle. "Do you like it? The stars ...?" He asked happily, curiously. Uzi let out a slight huff, crossing her arms. "You act as if I hadn't seen that before!" She said with an annoyed pout.

But then she smiled a bit, her tone becoming softer. "Yeah, I like it .. it's the first time I've seen them this clearly in my whole life ..." She responded, glancing up again, seeing that the number of bright lines on the sky started to go down.

It was short, but beautiful. And not gonna lie, she was happy N woke her up for this. No matter who she'd meet in her dreams, it would never count up to this beautiful view.

N let out a giggle and opened his mouth to say something. But before he could even do that, both of them got startled by a sound of something, or someone, hitting the building they were on with a loud thud.

Both quickly stood up, albeit it was a bit clumsy, cuz N's tail was still curled around Uzi after all. So yeah, Uzi didn't accidentally trip over N's tail and stepped on it at all. Nope. Didn't happen.

But after that clumsy moment, Uzi took out her sick as hell railgun and N changed his hands into claws. Both of them watched with nervosity as another murder drone got to their feet in front of them.

An X on their visor showed that they were in hunting mode. Or perhaps very pissed, since the two of them WERE in this drone's territory.

Before anyone could do anything, the new murder drone shoved Uzi away with his tail and therefore also knocked her beloved railgun out of her hands. And then he leapt onto N, pinning him to the ground, a gun now instead of their claws, pointing right at him.

They figured they'd deal with the food later. Now onto the intruder. Uzi let out a slight yelp as she hit the ground a bit away from the two dangerous machines. Without her gun, she could not help. And the worst part was that the gun was right next to the unknown drone.

"What in the name of JCJenson are you doing in MY territory ...?" A low, growly, kinda deep male voice said, coming from the new guy.

The guy had short cut silver hair, tied in a little ponytail at the back top of his head, something representing a small beard on his chin and a single strand of hair over his visor. In his mouth he had what appeared to be a pretend cigar, which was basically just a piece of some metal.

Murder Drones oneshots (Mainly N and Uzi)Where stories live. Discover now