Painful memories

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In which what has happened finally settles in with the two girls. And they try their best to find their friend.

Part 2 of "You were right"

Kinda more V and N headcanon, some past stuff as memories with them and what they went though and their relationship and stuff-

And maybe also some V and Uzi bonding thing.

To be honest, this one is kinda more centered on V. For plot purposes and to finally let out my headcanons ofc.

Well, enjoy some angst! With a pic this time :33



The time read 9 pm and the sky outside was as dark as the darkest pits of the void. There almost wasn't any moonlight, thanks to the sky being covered with black clouds that just poured and poured rain.

Along with a storm comes thunder of course.

In a corner of one room sat a smaller body of a young Disassembly drone, barely out of training. Shaking and trembling every time lighting struck the ground. And with every rumbling thunder, she hid her head more and more into her knees.

She should be out with her friends at this time, having fun and joking around or having a snack. She should be training or sharpening her claws and swords. Yet, here she was, knees to her chest, tail tightly curled around herself and desperately trying to hold sobs in.

This Disassembly Drone did not like storms. Not from the time one of the ceilings in the company building broke and multiple of her friends and colleagues had died under the rubble. It was a terrifying experience for a newly trained Serial Designation.

But alas, the company did not do much about it, they seemed to not take her grief to heart and instead acted like it never happened. Like they haven’t lost some of their precious bots to take on a mission. Of course there were lots of them and the company could always make more, but .. she still felt pain.

It's not easy to deal with the loss of some of your friends. But she had to hold some pride for herself, because she felt like she was slowly healing. Hearing thunders rumbling however, still sent a chill right to her core.

With another crack of thunder, she whimpered once more, hands clenching in a pathetic try to not think about the fear in her.

It was a knock that kind of snapped her from this. Moving her head a bit up to look at who was at the door to her room, she saw it open a crack. The face behind wasn't really unexpected, but it wasn't like she would expect him to come here.

"Hey, V .." She heard him say softly, voice low. He did not want to disturb her. "Are you alright ..?" He asked, and she felt herself falter a little. Breathing out a shaky huff, she rubbed at her visor, wanting to wipe away any tears that flowed. "Y-yeah, I'm fine. No need to worry, N." She reassured quietly, shakily.

"Oh .. okay then .." He said as he slowly "closed" the door, keeping it open a teeny tiny bit. With another sudden loud thunder, she squeaked, and with a whimper hid her head in her knees once again, shivering.

Letting out a soft sob, she gulped and gripped at her metal skin. "You're .. not okay .." She once again heard the familiar voice. Looking up once more, she saw him standing in the doorway with a worried look, holding the door open a bit.

With a sniffle, she looked to the side. The company always forbid her to lie. But she didn't want her friends to worry. Yet here was N with that stupid little hat of his and that pretty and soft scarf. She always thought he looked kinda hilarious thanks to the scarf. Even others made jokes about his looks, but they always complimented how nice it fits his personality, without much ill intent.

Murder Drones oneshots (Mainly N and Uzi)Where stories live. Discover now