Overprotective, but in a good way

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In which N takes his role as the big protective brother to the next level and beats multiple asses for daring to look wrong at his little sister.

Just some wholesome kick-assery :33

Fluff, maaaybbee a little hint of angst???? But mostly N being a badass protective big bro >:33

Also, some minor violence? Idk how to rate violence in a show about robots murdering eachother so- take it with a grain of salt-


(Also once again no art, school and health been kicking my ass lately lmao-)

(Also, a little shorter, but that's okay :33)


Huffing as her locker door shut, the purple haired worker drone rolled her eyes, turning around to see the worker drones she did not like at all walking up to her. Lizzy and Doll. Of course.

It's been a few days since she got back to her colony because she wanted to properly move out to N and V, but of course the school system and her dad- Khan- suck, so she was forced to go to school for some, to the robo god unknown, reason.

N asked her if he should come with, if he should stand by or something. That he'd help her carry her things out and to their little pod. They did kinda rip J's pod room upside down and made it into a room in which Uzi could reside in, so she was full on planning to just stay living there.

But of course, not everything goes smoothly. And if it does, something is clearly wrong. "Hey freak! Where's your killer friend?" Lizzy teased, smug as always. Oh how Uzi wished to wipe that smirk off her face.

Doing one of her classic emo "UGH!!"s, she glared at the worker with the blonde wig. "What do you want." Uzi grumbled out, eyes narrowed as she watched their every move. Somehow, living with disassembly drones made her quite a bit more observant. She noticed all the little movements.

"Well, we thought you were banished or dead or something!" Lizzy said with a giggle that pierced at Uzi's audio receptors. Robo god, her laugh was annoying as hell. Doll of course followed in Lizzy's steps, giggling along with her.

"Seriously!!" The blonde one spoke up again,wrapping her arm around Uzi's shoulder, to which the rebellious worker protested, shoving her arm off of herself. "Like, its so hard to believe that murderous freak left you alive after this long!" She continued with another round of laughter.

Uzi only rolled her eyes. She dealt with them her whole life, a few more days while she continually takes more and more stuff away from her old room won't hurt. She hopes. "What, you just came to mock me? Old news flash, I don't care. Without me, you all would be freaking dead!" She huffed.

The blonde waved her hand in dismissal, as if Uzi literally saving their asses a while back was nothing. As if they shouldn't be thankful for being alive thanks to her. Tsk, such disrespect! Doll however, seemed a little more reserved about this topic it seemed. She didn't really look as unappreciative as Lizzy did.

"Oh please! The WDF would've saved us if you didn't come!" Lizzy said with a grin, narrowing her eyes a little as Uzi held a deadpan face. She's so dumb, oh my robo god. "Alright, I'm done here, you two can fuck off or whatever, I got places to be." Uzi then said, slinging her backpack over one of her shoulders.

Lizzy gasped, as if Uzi just insulted her hairstyle or something. "You-!!" She said, accusatory. "Chad!! Chad, where is your toxic masculinity when I need it?!" She called out to her boyfriend, Chad. The purple hair let out a groan again. The pair was like Dumb and Dumber. Unbelievable how some ai can be so stupid.

Murder Drones oneshots (Mainly N and Uzi)Where stories live. Discover now