The Final 3

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The moment Leafy got yanked out of the hot air balloon, she could feel the air trying to tear her apart. It wasn't just air resistance from falling; the day was a particularly windy one, and her form wavered like mad, threatening to remove her grip from Bubble's arm.

"LET GO!" shouted Bubble suddenly.

"WHAT??" Leafy almost couldn't believe she'd just said that, especially since the roaring wind made it difficult to hear.


In a different situation, Leafy might have argued. But the trees were approaching fast, and it was hard to think with the wind in her face. So she reluctantly released her grasp on Bubble, and almost instantly, the wind caught her. Just in time, too; Bubble smashed through the canopy, and if Leafy had held on for more than another second, the branches likely would have ripped her apart on the way down.


II Taco was attempting to drag MePad through the Perilous Forest (apparently, his short-range teleportation was less accurate than long-range) when she heard an earthy THUMP nearby.

Intrigued but instantly on alert, she peered around a tree trunk to see... something sticking out of the ground. It looked like a gray ball with legs and arms. It appeared to be upside down. "What in the..." she began to mutter to herself. But, upon hearing another noise in the canopy above, she quickly shoved MePad into the nearest bush before diving in herself.

A green lemon leaf fluttered down from the treetops and carefully landed, immediately running over to the metal sphere. "You alright, Bubble?" they asked as they grabbed its legs and yanked the ball out of its hole. II Taco knew the plant to be Leafy from BFB, although she had never actually directly met her. And apparently the metal orb was named... Bubble? That couldn't have been right.

"Mostly," replied Bubble, her eyes trying to focus. "Moinly just dizzy. Oi think the only thing oi really injured is moi pride."

"Hey, it's been years since that long jump contest in BFDI. I can't blame you for forgetting how much harder it is to jump when made of yoylemetal. We all did."

"Oi suppose... you didn't hoive to keep holding on, though. You could hoive let go befoire you fell out of the balloon."

"Nonsense! I still see you as my friend, and even if I didn't, why would I just let someone fall to their death?"

"...well, thoink you."

A short, awkward silence followed. "So, uh," Bubble began, "where oire we? You know the IIverse better than oi do."

Leafy put her hand to her chin. "Well, the only forest that I know is around here is the Perilous Forest, so that must be where we are."

"P-Perilous Foirest?"

"Oh, I'm sure whoever named it has a sense of humor. I mean, I've never actually been in here before, but I'm willing to bet that there's nothing dangerous around!"

Debatable, II Taco thought to herself.

Suddenly, she heard something else approaching. It sounded like... screaming?

Apparently, the other two objects heard it as well. They looked around for the source, but it wasn't clear where the sound was coming from until something flew directly into Bubble's face. Emitting a surprised muffle, she fell over again before managing to push the offending object off of her face. "Whoit the heck?"

"Ow..." the object groaned, trying to stand up. Taco immediately recognized him as Paper. But what was he doing all the way out here?

"Are you ok?" Leafy asked him. Paper nodded, then spotted Bubble. "Oh! Are you from BFB? I don't recognize you."

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