{Chp. 20}Birthday suprise

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"HEYY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOVE!" Nash yelled, barging in my room-our room, I mean; while I WAS sleeping. I groaned and rolled over.

"Let me sleep!" I moan.

"Come on! I have a surprise for you!" He smiled, energized. He was way more excited for my Birthday, than me.

"Ugh, fine," I groaned.

"Yay!" He starting clapping his hands, and jumping up and down.

I laugh, "Weirdo,"

"But I'm YOUR weirdo!" He smiles, emphasizing 'your'.

I couldn't help but smile, at him being mine. "Let me get dress than you dumb dumb." I tease.

"That was not nice." He whines like a five year old. "Ok, you can get ready; I'll be down stairs." He informs me.


I went to the bathroom and looked at my self; I almost shrieked, I looked awful. I grabbed my toothbrush, and brush away my bad morning breath. I wash my face, I then brush out my hair, I decide on a messy ponytail. I call it good, and go to my closet.

I decide on a black and white striped shirt and dark gray skinny jeans. I put on my 'love' necklace, a bracelet that has a infinity sign. I played with my hair a little more and called it good. I then slip on my gray flip flops on the way out.

I went downstairs to see Nash in a nice tuxedo sitting on the couch.

"Wow, are we going somewhere nice?" I start going upstairs. He gently grabs my wrist.

"No, love; I know how much you like me in a tux." He smirks.

"Oh boy, you are right, you look handsome." I state the obvious.

"Thank you love, ready?" He asks, offering his hand.

"Yes," I say, taking his hand.

He smiles and grabs his keys. We walk outside to nice weather. I walk to the passenger-Nash opening it for me-I get in and thank Nash.

"Where we going?" I ask.

"Suprise!" He smiles widely. Why is he so happy?-I'll ask later.

"Ok, fine," I pout. He kisses my frown, which turns it into a smile.

He roars the engine to life, he pulls out of the driveway. "30 minute drive," he informs. I nod.

I sit back, while he drives. I turn on the radio, and start playing Blake Shelton, I Still Got A Finger.


Nash just chuckled. I smiled at him cheekily.

It's been 20 minutes, still not their. "Are we their yet?" I whined.

"No, baby, not yet." He says taking a glimpse of me. Damn, he is smokin'!

"Thanks sexy," he smirked.

I turned red, "Oops, did I say that out loud?"

"Haha, yes,"

"Can you say where we're goin now?" I beg.

"No," he states.

"Finee!" I pout, and lay back.

"We're here!" Nash cheers, about 10 minutes later.

"Finally," I look up to see a lake and a huge rock!

I get out of the passenger door before Nash can open it for me. I look over at Nash.

"I brought Taco Bell," he smiled with a Taco Bell bag.

I immediately attack him, cause Taco Bell is the love of my life. "THANK YOU, NASHY!" I kiss his cheek.

"Just a kiss on the cheek?" He pouts, with puppy eyes.

I walk up to him and kiss him on the lips, when I part the kiss I bite his lower lip. "That better?" He nods fast. I just giggle.

"Let's eat!" I cheer.


We're done with our food, we are now looking at the lake, sitting on the rock.

"Nash, your tux is a huge turn on." I said out of the middle of nowhere.

He chuckles, "I knew it would effect you."

I scoff, "Don't get cocky, Mr. Grier!" I warn, "That's a turn off."

"Don't be rude, soon-to-be Mrs. Grier." He says.

I choke on air, "W-what?"

He sighs, gets off the rock, he gets on one knee.


"Katelyn Omar, I had an eye on you since we met. I said 'she has to be mine.' I was DETERMINED to get you, I stopped at nothing to get you. I love you so very much, always will, we will have a family soon, I know it. But for now will you marry me?" He says every word laced with truth and hope.

I, of course, was crying uncontrollably, "OF COURSE!"

I hugged him, then kissed him, "I love you so much." I whispered in his ear.

HOLA🌝 So here it is! Sorry for the wait!! I had a HUGE writers block and also I have important state tests, that determine if I can go to the next grade or not, they suck!💅 So yeah, this will come to an end soon, new book when this is done! So that's good, well bye!

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