{Ch. 21}The End

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Here I am, having my mom curl my hair, at my wedding. It's happening, I can't believe it, this is my day.

"And that's it!" My mom said curling my last piece of hair. "I can't believe my little girl is growing up!"

"Mom, I'm still your little girl," I say embracing her into a hug. "Now we better get going."

I wipe away a tear that fell on my mom's face. I take a deep breath, let go of her embrace and get up. I straighten out my dress, look at my hair.

"Mom!" I squeal, "it looks amazing!" I hug her.

She smiles, and lets go of my embrace, "Thanks honey, now go and get married!"

I smile and nod, and walk down the hallway, to the sanctuary. I meet up with Nash's brother, Hayes, and link arms with him. I take a deep breath, for the thousandth time today, and Hayes goes through the doors with me. I close me eyes, to scared to open.

I then open my eyes, looked around, to see all eyes on me, I then look at Nash. His mouth was open slightly. I chuckled lightly to myself. He looked handsome, in his suit and tie.

Before I knew it, I was standing face to face to him. "You look beautiful," He said. "Like always."

I smiled, so did he. He grabs both of my hands.

"We gathered here...." Blah. Blah. Blah.

I didn't listen, I don't think Nash did either, we were looking at each other. I'm so lucky to have him. I didn't even pay that much attention when they gave the rings to us.

"Hamilton Grier, do you take, Katelyn Omar as your lawful wedded wife?" That made me snap out of my thoughts.

"I do." Nash said without hesitating.

"Katelyn Omar, do you take Hamilton Grier, as your lawful wedded husband?" Here it is,

"I do." I said without hesitating.

"You may now kiss the bride," Nash didn't hesitate, he grabbed my face, and gave me a passionate kiss, I smiled, he stopped, then grabbed my hand. I smiled, he smiled back.

"I love you." He says.

"I love you too," I say. "it's not just you I fell In love with, it's your eyes."

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