{Chp. 3}Fights and dates

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"Hey slut" that Nashty girl said as she approached.

"Sup bitch" I snap trough my gritted teeth.

"Don't call her that!" Commanded Cameron.

"Awh what's Cameron gonna do. Spank me, like you probably did to that slut!" I snapped almost crying.

"You wish whore!" he snapped back.

That's when Nash snapped.

"Cameron stop being an ass!" Yelled Nash.

"Nope." He said popping the 'p'.

That's when Nash punched him..

What a great first impression on the first day at this school for him. But, he punched him to protect me. Man, he's so sweet. Then it got really brutal Cameron was on top of Nash beating him to a pulp. I then started crying.


Cameron then got of of him and came over to me and whispered "I like you feisty babe," he then kissed my neck. I then pushed him of me and slapped him. "Ya I'm the whore," I muttered under my breath. "Also, I'm not your babe!" I exclaimed. Nash must of saw that scene because screamed at him, and punched him then he dragged me out of the classroom and then out of the school and said.

"We're gonna have a get away," He said still fuming.

I smiled to myself this ought to be fun. "cool" I simply stated. But I was doing 50 backflips mentally. Of course, I was smiling like an idiot. We then approached a really pretty pond I turned to my left and saw Nash standing there with a rose.

It then gasped as I saw the sight something so pretty there was lights. There was a picnic. I smiled so wide was this a date? He did this for me? How did he do This while we were at school?

"Yea.of course. And people did it for me" I said that out loud I then looked at his matter of fact bruised face, but it was still perfect. Then asked.

"Nash Grier, are you asking me on a date?" I smirked taking the rose gladly pretending to look shocked.

"Why yes."

I smiled and sniffed the rose.

"I know we just meet, but it felt right," he smiled also.

I keep falling for him more and more by the second, by the minute, by the hour by the day.

I am falling for Hamilton Nash Grier.

||WWAAZZUUPP! ohh some romance ;) and that drama ohhh! This was short, and sorry for bad grammar and spelling mistakes. Get some Nash Ooh kill 'em lol! BTW, he's not famous in mu book. Anyway, I'm back! Hope you had an awesome Christmas! (And new year ;)2k15💸)

What do you thing will happen when they go back to school?

So what do you thing is goin to?

What will happen at this date?

Find in the next chapter of 'His Eyes'.
Hahaha had to say that. #srynotsry

It's appreciated||

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