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Wei Ying was practically flying towards the barriers once they got the okay from XiChen. Not even Wangji was able to help calm the excitable young man. Lan Zhan could not blame him, though, as he himself was rather excited to begin working on strengthening the barriers. It had been something long overdue, and with the tensions now given due to the wens bursting through the wards to get to the lectures, Wei Ying was quite glad that XiChen had a way of words otherwise something far worse would have had to happen before the stupid elders even considered strengthening the wards. 

"Lan Zhan!" Wei Ying rushed back over to where Lan Zhan had stopped, watching him as he had begun the initial assessment of the wards. In some way, Lan Wangji was surprised, and his shock and dazed behavior seemed to have been noticed. In his defense, his betrothed was a beautiful person, and to see him at work was definitely a privilege that Lan Wangji never intended to take forgranted. "So, I think we should probably begin with a few simple strengthening talisman's, put on in several layers. It will definitely help for the moment, but I was also wondering...exactly how...much leeway do we have to work with?" Lan Zhan furrowed his brows, but dutifully answered either way. 

"As much as is needed, according to XiongZhang." He stated, which caused Wei Ying to smile, his eyes sparkling with a sort of unspoken joy that was highly common when he had figured some sort of project that he was going to be doing. Lan Zhan found it quite endeering, but even more so that he was so excited to strengthen the Lan Wards. It was something that he was rather shocked that he was so...into, despite knowing that he was the one who had mentioned the fact that the Wards needed to be strengthened in the first place. He still had not expected such...intense enthusiasm. Then again, when did Wei Ying do anything half way, he did everything with his entire heart flooding the project. It was one of the reasons that Lan Zhan admired him so much, loved him, cared for him, and would protect him from anyone else who tried to dig their dirty fingers into him. 

He was already beginning to intensely dislike the Jiang Heir. It was hard to explain the immense dislike. It was all regarding Wei Ying. He did not like the...the...feel that the Heir gave when they were around each other. He cared very little for the teen, particularly since the stories that Wei Ying had shared of his time with the Jiangs, short as it may have been, and then the meeting once again in CaiYi where the Heir had dared to slap Wei Ying. It sent a fire of fury through him, despite his ability to keep it hidden, and he would remain disliking the Heir immensely. 

He knew that the sect relations with the Jiang would definitely suffer should he not find a way to make peace with the attitude of the young Jiang Heir, but inwardly, he was not able to really care about it. He wanted the relations to go down the drain. The Lan Sect should not affiliate itself with such a sect as the Jiang, not with what he had learned of them, and what he had seen, both from Wei Ying, and from the current actions of the Jiang Heir at the moment. He was not really...impressed with the way they seemed to conduct themselves. Perhaps, should he be XiChen, he would be better at foresaking things due to Sect relations, but he was far more selfish than XiChen, and he found himself not willing to do so. The Lan Sect would not suffer should they break ties with the Jiang, though things may be tense for a while, they were more than capable of handling their own despite the difference of the Sect Relation with the Jiang. It was the Jiangs who relied more on the Lan. Considering that, it was even more difficult for Lan Zhan to truly care. 

"What does Wei Ying have in mind?" Lan Zhan asked softly, walking close to the Library Pavilion now, at Wei Ying's insistence. Wei Ying shook his head a nervous look taking over him. It was not an uncommon thing to happen, Wei Ying did tend to get nervous when it came to admitting what he was able to do, or what he was not able to do, and if he was undertaking something that was rather...different, or simply had not been suggested, it made the boy quite nervous to even mention it. What Wei Ying was thinking of doing, Lan Zhan already knew, and he had no problems with it, as XiongZhang had given them free reign to make whatever changes to the wards they deemed necessary. It remained to be seen what exactly Wei Ying was planning, but Lan Zhan knew that he would not do anything that would purposefully endanger another member of the Lan Sect, he cared about them, a little too much in some ways. 

"I don't want to say it, in case the idea will not work, but I have an idea, I just have to figure out how I would do it, and if I manage it well enough, we can entwine those talismans with the strengthening talismans under each layer, which will make sure that the wards are more fortified, but it really just depends on whether I can manage it, which is...going to be a bit difficult, but do not worry Lan Zhan!" Wei Ying said happily, brightness overtaking the nerves when he saw that Lan Zhan was not judging him but more happy about the interesting developments."I will let you know the moment I figure out if it is possible!" Lan Zhan just gave the excitable teen a small nod, hiding his smile, though it was obvious that he was happy, and let Wei Ying bound towards the library, continuing towards the building himself at a slightly slower pace. 

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