dont give up on me.

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the red forest is dark and cold. as a survivor your nerves are spiked and it's almost like nothing, and no one is safe. amanda is walking behind me and julie, frank and joey are side by side, and danny, well he went to go do a generator a long time ago. when we left i heard him blow it up a few times and whisper "shit" while his hands were shaking. we were all fucking freaking out. one wrong move, one wrong step, one wrong breathe and we are dead. for good. amanda starts to crouch when she sees a red light. julie grabs my hand and pulls me behind a rock. she was about to talk but i put my index finger over her lips and shake my head. we can't risk anything. she mouthes i'm sorry and i love you. i just ignore it. we have bigger issues.
"susie." she whispers. i put her back against the rock. "julie. we. don't. have. time."
"we may not ever again." she puts her hands on my face. i move my face away from her. i want her deep down, but she hurt me to bad to recover anytime soon.
"then i guess you shouldn't have kissed amanda." i crouch towards a generator she follows me. connect the blue to the blue, connect the red to the red, connect-, shit! i blew it up. julie looks at me, with worry.
"just continue." she smiles at me.

frank walks ahead of me looking for totems just in case of NOED.
"frank. i'm sorry i've been a dick lately. i love you and i'm not ashamed. i'm just- scared. everyone here doesn't give a shit, but in my mind we are still teenagers in highschool scared of getting beat up."
"i understand, babe. but we can't take it out on each other. i was scared too, but now i don't give a shit because i know who i love, and i am who i am.i'm here for you, youre here for me. we are a team, okay?"
"okay babe. i love you." he kisses me. it was such a sweet kiss but it was just romantic enough to remind me why i love frank.

breathe i tell myself. julie and susie are on a gen, frank and joey are doing totems and danny is on a gen. as long as we open the gates, we will be fine. it'll all be fine.
"watch out amanda!" danny whispers, but i don't hear him soon enough. i walk straight into a bear trap. i scream as blood goes everywhere. fucking trapper. danny runs over.
"hey, hey it's okay. breathe, i'll get you out of here." he grips the teeth of the trap and pry's it open.
"danny. it's okay, get the gens done. you can't open it on your own."
"amanda, no fucking way i'm leaving you." he runs to julie and susies gen, him and julie return.
"OMG! ARE YOU OKAY?" she whispers but shouts as well, then she instantly shifts from happy to pissed.
"what the fuck is wrong with you?! watch where you are going! we have gens to do and have to save susie, okay?"
"julie. relax, you have to breathe. amanda didn't see it. she's just as scared as you and me. take a fucking chill pill and get off the high horse you've been on for weeks. it isn't getting you anywhere and you don't have any right to be on it." he puts his hand on my shoulder and then try to break the trap. he gets it open, and i shout in pain. i have pieces of rusted metal in my leg. julie and danny help me up and then i lift my head up to see a bright red light shining in front of me.

ghostie x susie part 4Where stories live. Discover now