behind the curtains.

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i was five years old when both my parents died. i was in the orphanage for 11 years until one day i got adopted by an abusive family. a year later i ran away one night, i just ran. i kept running, and running, and running until i found the end of the road. there was no end to the road and i ended up sucked into the entity's realm. before i get ahead of myself, i'll go to when i first got into the orphanage. i was there for about 10 years when i met her. i was 15, and i was damaged, broken, and just felt like i could never catch a break. her name was tess, she was there for 16 years, from when she was first born. the orphanage was all she knew. i never socialized with anyone other than when i went to go get food. one day i bumped into her on my way to the cafeteria. she was gorgeous. long blonde hair, gold layered necklaces, pink cropped sweater, ripped blue jeans, and white converse with white socks. i was wearing a black cropped top, black skinny jeans with chains, a few layered chokers, and my hair was in a braid.
"oh hi! i'm tess." she sounded so sincere. her voice was so warm and happy.
"hey. i'm- i'm-,"
"amanda. i know." she winks. how does she know my name i thought? i always kept to myself, it was nearly impossible to spot me.
"how- do you know my name?" i say shocked she has even noticed me.
"of course i've noticed you silly." she smiles. she has the warmest smile i've seen in this whole place.
"oh, ehehe. so tess, how long have you been here?" i keep my hands behind my back. when i'm anxious i fiddle with my fingers and can't stay still. she must've noticed because she tugs my arm and then wraps both of her hands around mine.
"hey? it's okay," she continues while holding my hands.
"i've been here for 16 years, since i was born. both my parents decided they didn't want another child since i was the youngest so they dropped me off at my aunts and my aunt decided she didn't want me so she dropped me off at my grandmas and my grandma decided she didn't want me so now i'm here." she smiles but instead of her warm smile she has pain behind it, she just seems to hide it well. i practically gasp. i pull my hands away and put them over my mouth.
"holy fuck. i'm- i'm so sorry." she turns away real fast and then turns back.
"don't sweat it! in the past now, right?"
"i mean, i guess? but the past can still effect your present time."
"look at you. you are more that meets the eye. i knew it. want some food?"
"yeah- yeah sure." we go and grab food. then we go to a table with no other kids.
"so how long have you been here?" she emphasized "you".
"10 years."
"yeah. i remember the day you came in here. you seemed hurt and i was being shy so i didn't introduce myself, though i wish i did." i fiddle with my finger and put my hair behind my ear.
"you should've. but i keep to myself anyways."
"i've noticed. well, i should be getting back to my room. see you later, amanda!" she gets up so quick throws her tray in the trash and walks away. this girl.

[4:00 am]
a knock on the door comes. i look at the clock and wonder who the actual fuck would be at my room at 4am. i open the door to find, tess.
"hey! wanna go look at the stars with me? it's the only time before it gets chaotic around 6."
"oh sure. let me grab some shoes."
"and a jacket! it's cold." she adds. i smile and close the door real quick. i slip on my off the shoulder maroon crop top and my black jeans. along with my black long jacket and black combat boots.
"ooh, hot." my cheeks feel so hot. i look away and fiddle with my fingers. she was wearing a white fluffy oversized jacket with a pink bralette under it. then green pants and white converse.
"not compared to you, damn tess." she smiles. she's so fucking confident it's one of the things i envy about her. we head upstairs to the roof and i look up. the sky is pitch black and the stars are shining so bright. i stare in awe. i catch tess staring at me.
"look at the stars!! they are gorgeous."
"yeah, yeah they are." but i don't think she was talking about the stars. i really really really like this girl. she makes me feel alive, and less broken. like i am something to someone. not like anything would happen between us.
"you're gorgeous, amanda." she smiles and for the first time she breaks eye contact and looks at her shoes.
"thank you. what brought that on?"
"you've always had my eye. from the second you walked in but talking to you really has told me you are more than just a girl i've looked at occasionally."
"hah. what- what do you mean?"
"nothing. nevermind." she looks up at the stars.
"they are gorgeous aren't they?"
"yeah." she shivers so i give her my coat.
"who said i didn't like you? your mind? because it's lying, tess." she turns to me, and she starts to have tears in her eyes.
"hey tess."
"you're enough." then she smiles so big and tears stream down her face.
"no one- has- has ever said that."
"exactly." i put my hand on her face and wipe her tears.
"thank you love." she gives me my jacket back and runs back downstairs. i kind of just stand there. was it something i said? i am so stupid. i came on to strong. she doesn't even li-. tess runs back upstairs? runs to me and kisses me. she throws me off balance because she basically ran into me. her hands are on my face and mine are on her waist. her face is so soft and warm. she releases from our kiss but we stay in the same exact position.
"i'm- i'm sorry. i- i shouldn't have done that." she starts to pull away and i pull her back in and kiss her again. after she just smiles. the morning bell goes off.
"shit! we gotta go!" we run downstairs holding hands and laughing. right before we get to our rooms to get changed she stops me.
"yeah, tess?"
"do you- want. do you," i cut her off.
"do i want to be your girlfriend?" she nods.
"fuck yeah. unless that's too soon."
"no!" she kisses me and when she lets go she smiles and laughs as she runs away. you are probably thinking this is way to fucking fast but honestly? i've never met someone that makes me feel like this. i feel like i'm wanted. like i'm not broken. i'm happy. so to hell with what you are thinking! because i love this girl. she's the one for me, i know it.

ghostie x susie part 4Where stories live. Discover now