hell is back.

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i scream in pain. i mean, a chainsaw should kill you but luckily he stopped the chainsaw and hit me with his weapon so it's just a broken rib and such. i cant keep my attention on hillbilly when susie and tess are lying there screaming. amanda is trying to help but i don't think it's going anywhere. if i get up and help them then hillbilly will see all of us. so, i weigh my options and decide that i have to fuck with him.
"COME ON OLD MAN!" he slowly turns around, he looks pissed.
"danny, just let me take you guys back and this will all be over." i shake my head.
"sorry hillbilly. i just can't do that. he swings and misses when i swing around a pole and kick him straight in the face.
"sorry aint my type." i blow him a kiss and run towards susie to get them in the hospital.
"get them in the hospital amanda! i have to keep him occupied." she nods and carries tess to the door. and then grabs susie a second after. hillbilly screams in pain and that's when i realize tess just shot hillbilly. hillbilly dissolved into the ground back to the entity's realm. thank the fucking lord. i don't even take a breath i run to susie. she slowly opens her eyes. i look her up and down and see susies eyes are black.
"susie? are you okay?!" i hold her in my arms and keep her close. then she starts shaking like she's having a seizure and then black starts pouring out of her eyes.
"WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?!" i look over and see amanda holding tess and the same thing is happening to her. then amongst the chaos julie runs out of the hospital.
"WHATS HAPPENING?" i shake my head. i don't know what the fuck is going on. my heart is beating like crazy, i'm so stressed. susie stops shaking. tess stops shaking. her eyes go back to green, and tess's go back to brown. susie and tess wake up at the same time like they are synchronized. susie sits up and takes a big breath, and as per usual tess does the same.
"baby, are you okay? talk to me!" i am holding susies head to mine. i'm hugging her so tightly and she feels so weak. she starts shaking again, this time just from the cold. i take my jacket off and give it to her.
"baby, please talk to me. i need you to talk to me." i stroke her hair, it fell down from the bun earlier. she opens her eyes and looks at me she just smiles. my poor susie has been through shit. i'm so fucking tired of this entity. fuck the entity. julie runs to amanda making sure tess and her are okay, then she comes to us.
"how is she? is she okay? will she be okay? susie talk to us. susie!" i put my hand on her shoulder as my other one is on susie's waist holding her up.
"take a breath."
"i still love her danny. i fucking wish i never did what i did. anyways, she is happy with you." she smiles as tears fill her eyes. she fucked it up. they were so perfect and it makes me sad to think about how much they loved each other to how fast julie fucked it up.
"i love you too julie." susie finally speaks. i hold her closer and kiss her forehead.
"oh fuck you're okay!" i shout. she laughs at me and puts her hands on my face.
"thank fucking god." julie says smiling.
"julie," susie stops her in her steps.
"i love you so so much and what we had i will never forget. but i cant forgive you for what you did, not yet atleast. it hurt me so much that i literally felt like i was breaking. danny makes me happy though and right now that's what i need. he's what i've always needed." she looks up at me and smiles. julie nods and walks towards amanda and tess but then just turns and walks towards the middle and sits down. her head in her knees. amanda is hugging tess and tess is kissing the fuck out of amanda, they are perfect for each other. then i hear someone laugh. susie and tess both start shaking like they are having a seizure again, then their eyes start pouring black and blood. amanda screams.
"DANNY WHAT THE FUCK DO WE DO?!" i stare at her. i shake my head, i dont have words. i cant help and it's a scary ass feeling.
"I DONT KNOW!" i am shaking. the anxiety is overwhelming me. i hear someone laugh again, i turn to see deaths linger emerge from the woods and stare right at julie.
"JULIE MOVE! JULIE RUN!" she perks up and then freezes when she sees deathslinger.
"JULIE FUCKING RUN!!" amanda screams. it feels like it goes in slow motion. i cant breathe every one is screaming, and that's when it happens. the moment that happened so fast but was in slow mo it's hard to even comprehend if it happened or not.
julie turns her her head and cocks it back a little bit. she smiles the warmest smile i've seen her give. i gently put susie down and run to her, amanda does the same, but it feels like she's an eternity away.
"JULIE!!!" we both scream. deathslinger laughs and shoots his gun at julie straight in the heart.
"JULIE!!!!" i scream tears in my eyes. she goes weak and looks like a rag doll on deathslingers gun. deathslinger dissolves in the ground back to the entity's realm. that's when it clicked in my head. they aren't here to take us back. they are here to kill us so we won't return or say anything about the entity's realm. i slide to my knees next to julie but amanda got there first. she is holding julie in her arms. julie is bleeding everywhere.
"JULIE! NOOO! JULIE!!! TALK TO ME! FUCKING TALK TO ME! YOU CANT DIE, JULIE!" amanda is crying so hard. i turn my head to see susie and tess still laying there.
"I CANT HAVE ANOTHER PERSON DIE IN MY ARMS, JULIE! WAKE UP PLEASE! TALK TO ME!!!" my heart is breaking. i cant believe she is gone. joey runs from out of the woods. he freezes.
"no. no. absolutely the FUCK NOT!" he runs over and takes her from amanda.
"FUCK THE ENTITY! FUCK THEM FOR SENDING ALL THE KILLERS TO FUCK US OVER! SHE JUST WANTED TO BE HAPPY!" he punches the ground. he gives amanda julie and goes to the woods. he's pissed and heartbroken. tears fill my eyes. she can't be gone. no. fuck.
"danny she's gone." i cry. i look away and wipe my tears. i have to find a way to fix this. for all of us, for susie, for tess, for julie. i look and see tess sitting up and looking for everyone, she starts walking towards us and then when she notices she runs over.
"HOLY! NO!" tears fill her eyes. i see susie, she yells over to us.
"what's going on haha?" she laughs and then when she gets closer her face drops. she runs over and gets on her knees. she puts julie on her chest. she already has started crying.
"deathslinger." amanda says in a whispering tone. tess is holding amanda to her shoulder for comfort.
"they are here to kill us." i say. susie rolls her eyes.
"hah, will we ever catch a FUCKING BREAK? is she-she- is- is she gone? for good?" we all nod.
"absolutely the fuck not. let's take her to the hospital, let's fix this lets-," amanda cuts her off.
"she's gone, susie."
"NO. WHY ARE YOU GUYS GIVING UP SO FUCKING FAST! GROW A PAIR AND HELP ME TO THE HOSPITAL!" i put my hand on her shoulder. she shoves it off.
"don't fucking comfort me. was there NOTHING YOU GUYS COULDVE DONE?! DID YOU EVEN TRY?" amanda is crying. i think about it.
"it's my fault. i should've came over sooner."
"and the truth comes out! thanks so much guys. you've killed my best friend and-," i've never seen her like this. which shows me she still has feelings for julie, it's not like they go away so quickly.
"we didn't kill her susie. we couldn't get her in time." amanda snaps back. susie starts balling.
"we cant turn on each other guys." tess says warmly but feeling our pain. she's very compassionate.
that's when i see susie staring at julie and brushing her face as she cries. that's when i know susie is sitting there thinking of everything that's happened between them. that's when i know, susie is having flashbacks.

ghostie x susie part 4Where stories live. Discover now