can we take it all back?

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the breeze hits my face but i don't care. it doesn't even register to me yet that we are out. out of the entity's control, out of the same place we've been in for years. yet, i am numb. i cant feel anything. danny hasn't woken up. i'm starting to think he won't. julie is holding amanda's waist to keep her steady and joey is holding frank in his arms. but then right when we step out of the threshold frank disappears. i don't think i have fully comprehended the concept that someone apart of our family, is dead and gone. he went through all the trouble to get me out of that hell, so i wouldn't get consumed. he's gone because of me, and everyone can say it isn't my fault but it's a fucking lie.
"so, we are out. i think our first priority is an emergency room."
"what we are going to say? hey, we are killers and just escaped the entity's clutch, can you help us?" joey snaps and then heads towards god knows where.
"agreed. we need to get a hotel." i add.
"okay. but, amanda needs help,"
"so does danny." i snap back.
"yeah, don't worry about me guys. i'll be alright." she releases from julies grasp. the second we left the entity her face changed. not like i care but still.
"amanda needs help. i am taking her to the emergency room, i think you should bring danny as well." julie and amanda leave. joey left awhile ago though. so it's just me and danny.
"no need. i'm okay." my heart stops when i hear him talk. i run to him and sit down and hug him while he's on the ground. i get on top of him and hug him tighter. i put my hands on his face.
"holy fuck, are you okay danny?! i'm so sorry i didn't come back to you, frank is-," he puts one hand on my waist and another in my face.
"susie, it's okay. i'm okay." he leans in but he doesn't kiss me, he just puts his forehead to mine.
"it's okay to cry, susie." i shake my head.
"yes yes it is. let it out susie." he pulls me closer with the hand that's on my waist. he nods. then before i know it tears fill my eyes. he moves his other hand to my face and wipes my tears.
"let it out, cutie susie. let it out." then i just start balling. he pulls me in for a hug and my head is in between his neck and shoulder. i bury myself into him. he's always made me feel safe, always. i breathe him in. i continue to cry, and he pulls his face to mine.
"frank is gone and joey is broken. amanda and julie are doing whatever they are doing and you and me are WHATEVER WE ARE!" i pull away atleast try to until he pulls me back in and kisses me. my thighs are wrapped around his waist and my hands are cupping his face. he has his hands on my waist now and has pulled me closer. we keep kissing. i give into the kiss because right now, i want him. i break away. he wipes my tears.
"it's okay to be confused and honestly im an ass for just kissing you right now. ugh fuck, im so sorry. i- i didn't mean to it kinda just happened. im sorry susie im so so-," i lean in fast and kiss him mid sentence.
"don't be. i've kinda just been waiting for you."
"yeah." he switches our places to where he's on top of me, in the woods, where no one is. he smirks. i was about to take his jacket off and then i hear something. i look behind me while danny is still on top of me. but then we hear it again so he jumps up off me.
"if anyone is here why don't ya get your ass out here?" ugh, he is so hot. he continues.
"no one like a stalker, pun intended." then a girl steps out from the woods.
"well no one likes an ass either." she winks. it's a girl about my age. she is wearing a white sweater that is covered in dirt, blue ripped jeans, and white converse.
"i'm tess. and fyi the woods aren't your property so unless your god i don't think you have a say." she smiles. her smile is warm. she's gorgeous, blonde hair and freckles. she looks sad though.
"good point smarty. but tess, we were kind of busy so if you don't mind boot scooting out of here?" i nudge his elbow, then i wrap my arm around his waist.
"hi. im susie!" i put my other hand out. she shakes it apprehensively.
"yeah, yeah, i need a phone. there is an orphanage i need to call." danny laughs.
"an orphanage? aren't you 18?"
"i am 23 thank you. i just wanted to know where i was. i'm looking for someone."
"oh yeah. sorry about that. i cant really tell you any directions. it's a long story. some friends of ours went that way though to a hospital, there is probably a phone there." she nods and smiles.
"thanks." she heads that way and looks back at me and gives me a warm smile.

"amanda are you going to talk to me?" i shake my head.
"amanda i'm sorry! i'm a bitch, okay? i am. i fucking hate how i act. i don't know any other way and i blame that on my mom being absent my whole life.
"well my parents are dead. okay? so don't give me a sob story right now julie."
"oh fuck. amanda i'm sorry."
"can you not be a bitch for once?! i mean come on julie. you kiss me, then go back to susie and expect her to fucking forgive you. well yes, i fucked up as well, and i shouldn't have gave in but i haven't loved anyone since tess. okay? then you slap me for getting stuck in a DAMN BEAR TRAP!"
"you said you haven't loved anyone since "tess","
"no. i don't love you julie okay. you love susie i'm an after thought compared to her. all i want for you is to be happy because i can't ever be happy so atleast someone i care about can have a chance."
"what do you mean?"
"my parents died when i was 5, i lived in an orphanage for 11 years, then in an abusive household for one year, then ran away with the love of my life and the entity killed her. today is the first day i'm back in the real world since then." i start to cry.
"amanda you've been through hell."
"still in it." i laugh.
"anyways i need to get to the emergency room and it's right there."
"yeah it is." julie grabs my hand and looks at me.
"i'm sorry."
"let's just go." then a sound comes out of no where behind us.
"if you take a left it should be a shortcut, love." i don't turn because no way it's tess. she died in my arms.
"oh thanks!" julie smiles and then turns back around to me who is frozen in place. i slowly turn around and see her, the girl ive always loved.
"hi, my love."

ghostie x susie part 4Where stories live. Discover now