maybe its goodbye.

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shit, shit, shit. me and danny are holding amanda up while trapper stares her in the eyes.
"julie, danny, run!"
"absolutely not!" i tell her. trapper swings at amanda but misses. he swings again and this time danny jumps in front.
"DANNY! STOP! NO!" i yell and amanda is hyperventilating. he slowly turns his head at me, cocks it back, and smiles. right after he does that trapper stabs him and leaves him on the ground because susie popped the last gen. she comes crouching over hiding from trapper, until she sees danny. she runs over and slides to her knees. she puts his head on her knee.
"no. no, no no no no. you cannot die!! danny look at me right now. we are getting out of here." she is balling.
"frank and joey are opening the gate, julie you take your girlfriend to the gate, and i'll get danny." i don't have time to argue so i just nod.
"susie. no. i can barely move, you won't be able to carry me, it's a waste. just leave me as a distraction, so you guys can get the fuck out of here." she is crying and just keeps saying no.
"amanda, listen to me. i'm going to drop you off at the gate, you get out. okay? leave. i'm going to make sure danny and susie get out safely."
"julie, no. i- i- i can't leave all of you. we are in this together." she grabs my hand. i look away.
"amanda. this is going to hurt you way more than it's going to hurt me." i bring her to the gate, she keeps shaking her head.
"julie no. absolutely not." i kiss her hand and push her out the exit. now she was forced to leave. i run back to susie and danny, but they aren't there. i hear a scream in the distance, i run towards it. only to find, frank on the ground, mori'd. i scream.
"NO! FRANK!" i get closer to him and he's gone. bleeding everywhere, no breathe, no life, just gone. susie left danny at the gate and runs over to the commotion. she stops halfway in her tracks when she sees joey crying his eyes out holding poor frank's head, and me sitting next to frank holding his hand. susie looks numb. she doesn't sit down she doesn't move, she stays still, standing. joey is still crying and screaming bloody murder.
"he can't be gone, we have- we have to take him with us and see what we can do. WE CANT LEAVE HIM HERE!" i nod. susie stays in the same spot she was in. joey throws frank over his shoulder and starts towards the gate.
"susie. come on, we have to-," she turns around and throws up. after she's done for about 5 minutes she starts balling.
"this is my fucking fault. he didn't need to come, he was happy, he was content! I RUIN EVERYTHING AND NOW FRANK OUR BEST FRIEND, APART OF WHO WE ALL ARE, JOEYS LOVE, IS GONE, DEAD." i start to cry as well.
"susie, number one it isn't your fault, number two we have to get out of here."
"why? we came in together, maybe we should die with frank, it'll all be easier."
"SUSIE. ABSOLUTELY NOT, YOU ARE NOT DYING. GOSH, I DONT EVEN WANT TO THINK ABOUT THE FRANK THING, ALL I KNOW IS WE HAVE TO GET OUT." she nods and doesn't move. i grab her and carry her to the gate. joey and danny are surrounding frank. joey is still crying, he's heartbroken. i cant even cry as much as i need to right now because my main priority is to get everyone out. i look down at my feet and see a red light. trapper swings at me. he hits my arm.
"EVERYONE GET TF OUT!" we all run towards the gate, and joey carries frank. we all made it out.

ghostie x susie part 4Where stories live. Discover now