the past can also dictate the present.

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i stare at her. tess, the girl i've always loved. the girl that died in my arms. the girl that is enough. julie keeps looking between us.
"something i should know?"
"i'm tess! hi!"
"oh fuck. you're amanda's ex?"
"no. lol! silly, who told you that?"
"uhm. i assumed. i must be misunderstanding. i'm just going to go check out the emergency room. i just keep staring at her. she's here. i cant move i feel frozen in place. julie left towards the hospital but kept looking behind her and looking at us.
"amanda?" she walks closer to me. i step back.
"can you talk to me, love?" i shake my head.
"well why not?" she puts her hands on her hips.
"this isn't real."
"well sure it is."
"YOU DIED IN MY ARMS!" tears form in her eyes. then they start streaming down. she starts full blown crying and then starts talking to me while crying.
"YOU THINK I DON'T KNOW THAT?! I- I DONT KNOW HOW I'M HERE! ALL I KNOW IS I NEED you." she takes a breathe and wipes her tears.
"god, i've missed you amanda. i-," she breaks off and starts to cry again. before she finishes i cut her off.
i start to walk towards her and then i run. she starts to run to me and she jumps in my arms. i catch her and she hugs me. her legs are hanging but her arms are wrapped around my neck.
"oh fuck how i've missed you, tess." she slides down and lands softly on the ground. we are face to face now, and her hands are wrapped around my neck and mine are on her waist.
"i missed you too."
"how- how are you back i mean?"
"i died but i was like trapped in a realm. i had to control what killers went into matches, i wasn't the entity but i was trapped there like you guys. i was with you. i was always with you." my heart drops. did she see the julie thing? oh fuck.
"always?" she lets go.
"if you're referring to that moment you had with julie. yes i saw it." tears form in my eyes.
"tess, i-,"
"do you love her?"
"no." i answer without even question. then i continued.
"i don't love her. tess i love you. i cant put into words how much i need you and love you and," she cuts me off.
"that's all i needed to hear." she grabs my neck and pulls me to her.
"tess i'm so sorry."
"i never expected you to never love again, amanda. but, if you want to be with her then i will step aside and let you be happy, my love."
"absolutely the fuck not. do you know how much i love you?!"
"idk? how much?" she winks and gives me her warm smile. i start to cry.
"hey, what's wrong?"
"you died in my arms. i couldn't go on without you and now you're here and i- i just can't breathe." she takes my hands and hold them, like she did when we first met.
"i can't. i lost you, and you're here! how am i supposed to breathe when the love of my life died and i couldn't do anything and now your back!"
"the love of you're life?"
"well obviously." i laugh. she starts to laugh as well and then the moment i've been waiting for she pulls me in for a kiss. not like our last kiss. like the first time we kissed.
"marry me." she pulls away before we finish kissing.
"excuse me?"
"marry me, amanda." i grab her legs pull them up over my waist and hold her. she puts her hands on my neck and leans in for another kiss. we kiss for what feels like an eternity.
"yes." she gasps.
"excuse me?"
"are you- are you serious? yes? you're not joking? julie really isn't a factor??"
"compared to you. never." she grabs my shirt and pulls me in for another kiss.
"did you get a hotel?" she smiles and winks.
"i didn't. why?" she jumps down off me and grabs my hand and leads me to the woods.

ghostie x susie part 4Where stories live. Discover now