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"You've been doing very well. Seeing as you're getting all the points on every test, homework, and assignment, it's clear enough that you're our best student at this school," said Ms. Aina, a red haired lady with a just as bright lip color tinting her wide lips. She was your counselor at school and someone you saw just as much as you saw your friends. A nice woman who always went on tangents, it could be said that you were quite comfortable with her. You were grateful for her guidance; she was part of the reason for where you were at now.

Nodding for a few seconds, you could feel pride bubbling inside of you. "Is there any way you can contact the universities to see if I got accepted yet?" you asked, nibbling at your bottom lip.

She blinked at you for a few moments, shock apparent in her gray eyes. She then let out a laugh, leaving you cringing in your seat of embarrassment. "Hold your horses, lady! There are still months before you get to know whether or not you got in. You're not going to get special treatment here just because you're top of the school missy. Be patient."

You softly sighed and turned over to the large backpack on the ground. Well, it was worth the try. Picking up the heavy, old thing, you stood up and slung it over your shoulder. A large weight settled down against your already exhausted body and it was annoying how you still haven't gotten used to it yet. "If that's it then I should probably get going," you told the lady. She nodded in response and gave you a quick wave.

Out of the small and cozy office you went. Entering the familiar hallways of your school once more, you passed rows and rows of red, worn out lockers. As a somewhat lower class citizen, the best you could afford school at was at the normal, local building. Which was why -- if you were to be honest with yourself, you weren't satisfied with being the top student in this place.

Deep in your gut, you knew that if you went out into the real world, you would get some serious ass-kicking by those who attended better, well-known schools. Maybe you were over worrying and over reacting, but you couldn't help it. It wasn't like you blamed your parents either, because you loved them and were thankful for them everyday... but perhaps you weren't trying hard enough.

In conclusion, it meant that you should study hard again tonight. Rubbing at your tired eyes and yawning loudly, the dark circles underneath your visionary hues was proof of the all-nighters you've been pulling this year. And yes... you may have to pull yet another one tonight.

People would think otherwise, but you were not a genius nor smart by default. It was why this insecurity took place in your mind. You studied hard, but it did not change the fact that your IQ was a bit above average at best. Never was it going to be enough for you.

A girl in a tight, pink ponytail waited for you at the front of the building. "Hey Riki," you greeted her. "Thanks for waiting for me."

She shot you a thumbs up and fixed the glasses that laid over her nose. Brown eyes peered at you in curiosity behind them. "What did you need to meet with the counselor for?"

"I was checking to see my rank."

The two of you began to exit the school. The warm sun bathing over your white blouse, you squinted at the brightness of it. Birds chirping overhead, students still milling at the school during after-hours were being rowdy. You and Riki quickly left the property and proceeded on the sidewalks, where it was eventually more peaceful. "You should know no one's going to beat you, right?" she pointed out.

You shrugged. "There are always some extra credit I may have missed. That could boost their gpa up."

She gave you an incredulous look and chuckled. "You're being too paranoid. Everyone hates the extra credit assignments anyway... except for you."

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