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A bed creaked underneath you as your body tossed and turned from one side to the other. The feeling of fuzzy pillows and blankets cushioned you in a way that kept you from waking up. It was just so soft and warm. Groaning under your breath, you finally fluttered your eyes opened to be met by the early morning sun shining through the windows. It was so damn bright that you shut them again, the dark abyss of the lids greeting you. Then the memories surged into you... the bus rolling over... the screams... and the way you were bleeding to your death.

You hurled forward at inhuman speed, sitting up straight on the bed and fully awake. Looking down at your body, you quickly inspected where the wound would supposedly be. Fingers holding at the hem of your plain, white t-shirt, you pulled it upwards to see... nothing. Skin smooth and healthy like a baby's, there was no scar nor wound that would indicate the bus crash.

Blinking in bewilderment, you let go of your shirt and sat there in silence. Was the crash just a dream? Why did it feel so real though? Why did the wound hurt so bad?

Too caught up on your situation in that moment, you only now just realized you were in an unfamiliar room. Unlike your own simple bedroom with a white bed, the bed you were laying on had a purple comforter and a fancy bedframe that must've costed thousands. The space filled of a large desk with a laptop, vanity, walk-in closet, drawer, couch, and TV on the wall, it was the furthest thing from the bareness of your own bedroom. So... where were you?

Noticing a brown journal left beside you, you furrowed your forehead at it and hesitantly reached out to it. Small and hard-covered, the front of it had no title, but was detailed in gold swirly patterns. A cool touch beneath your skin, it was velvety smooth and light in your hands. Carefully flipping the cover to reveal the contents of the first page, your [e/c] eyes landed on a single sentence that filled the blank page.

[Y/N] [L/N], you died in your past life.

The journal fell and bounced against the bed. Sitting there and trembling in your spot, you blankly stared at your empty palms. Died. Died. Died. You were dead. Thoughts continued to plague you, leaving you numb to the core. The idea of it should be hard to believe, even with your name on this random ass journal, but...

To your unknown knowledge of why this was, those words rang true to you. Feeling a force in your gut that told you that this was exactly what happened, your only choice was to believe it.

Doing the cliché move of pinching your arm, you winced when a pain gnawed at you. This wasn't a dream either.

Picking up the journal once more, you hungrily turned to the next few pages to seek the answers to this abomination. Landing on a paragraph written by hand, you scanned through it all.

Welcome to the world within 'The Elitists of Dawning High'. Please do not go insane and try to escape this webtoon, because it won't work [Y/N]. Your death must be a lot to take in, yes, but this is your second chance at life, so view this as an opportunity and not a setback. It's quite simple, really. All you need to do is attend school, graduate, and live your life. Weren't you a top student in your past life? Exactly. This should be a piece of cake for your overachieving ass then. The rest of this journal will have contents of this certain webtoon once you achieve certain ranks at school. It can help you or do quite the opposite, actually. Write on this journal if you have any questions and they will be answered within a day's time. Thank you for your cooperation. That is all. Toodles.

Unsure of what to make of this, you blankly looked up and sat there until the words settled in. Before you even realized, tears were coming out of the corners of your eyes, streaming down from tender cheeks to reach your chin. If this was true, there were several things you needed to accept, despite not wanting to.

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