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Once the bell had rung, you bolted out of the door, leaving the room with knuckles bruised. Another day, another failure. This routine was beginning to get a little old. You would say that boxing was the scariest class out of your schedule to attend to, especially since you had to fight head on with someone with fists. Not swords, not hand chops, but fists! You had initially imagined that the students were allowed to wear those red, ridiculous-looking gloves. That wasn't the case. All you got to wear were boxing wraps -- sure, it gave a veil of protection, but for a newbie like you? You should be wearing every sort of protection to exist.

Sighing and wiping down your sweaty palms at the fronts of your skirt, you looked upward to see a flowing waterfall of pale lavender hair. Boys and girls alike gawked at the scene, but dear Sakiko was just staring at a taped poster in front of her. Well, to be fair, she looked almost mystical when doing anything.

You kind of wanted to avoid her. Despite the inquiries that lingered around your head for days already, you knew now was not the time to voice them out to her. There would be too much attention. Besides, maybe she wasn't comfortable sharing anything with you... it wasn't like you two were friends.

There was no choice but to pass her though. Your next class was in the direction that she was supposedly stalling around. So bending your head down low, you watched as a [h/c] curtain of hair covered your view. Then you used other students to hide yourself from her. Tiptoeing through the hallways, you were almost there... Just a few more steps and she wouldn't have the chance to notice you-- "[Y/N]!"

Squeezing your eyes shut and listening to the curses running through your mind, you halted in place. Twirling your feet around, you forced a big smile on your face. "Oh, Sakiko! I didn't see you there!" Not true. You could probably stand a mile away from her and still notice her. She was that bright and eye capturing. People's attention directed on you, but you were able to keep your friendly smile while approaching the girl. And when you were near enough, you could finally read what had caught her attention.

Talent Show: Dawning High

A talent show? Weren't these things too childish for highschoolers by now? You supposed there were a few talent shows held at your previous school, but even then, you never paid much attention to them. They didn't offer much for your grades.

"I wanted to ask you something!" she exclaimed, her silvery gaze lit. Oh no... you didn't like where this was going. "Would you join the talent show with me?"

"Um..." you uttered, growing blank. The best you could do was turn her down gently. "I don't have talent for anything. I'm sorry but--"

She shook her head and clasped a hand around your wrist, shaking it profusely. "That's nonsense! I'm sure you're talented at something."

"Believe me, I'm not," you chuckled nervously, scratching your head. "So you're performing, huh."

"Yes! I'm thinking of playing the piano for everyone," she explained. What wasn't she talented at? You could already picture her with those slender fingers playing some highly technical sonnet piece. She would play it perfectly and gain a standing ovation, winning the crowds' love. Pursing your lips at the thought of it, you zoned back into the present to see her fiddling with her hands. "I'm nervous though. I was hoping you could join. It would be much more fun that way."

Now you felt even worse, knowing you had to turn her down. She actually thought of you to ask... but you weren't exactly sure why. Compared to her, you were a nobody and you'd like to keep it that way. "I'm very flattered you came to me for this, but I'm serious when I say I don't have talent."

"Aw, come on! Do you play an instrument?" A head shake in response. "A hidden trick?" Nope. "A sport you're good at?" Nope. "Breathing fire!" What the hell. Now she was just reaching at this point.

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