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It was fortunate enough that you were able to steer clear of your bastard of a father last night. But now... you still had a school to go to. Dark bags lined beneath your eyes, illuminating the fact that you mainly tossed and turned in bed rather than slept. Too much was on your mind, running a hamster wheel in your head ruthlessly. You thought of when you first began in this world, meeting each of the elites, and how some of them started to grow on you. You thought about this dilemma weighing heavily on your chest and wondered what would be the best course of action to take next.

All that thinking was at a loss, for no good ideas came to mind.

Stifling a loud yawn threatening to come out, you rubbed your bleary eyes and waited for the pedestrian light to turn on. The cool morning air brushed your arms, erupting goosebumps on your skin and leaving you shivering slightly. Maybe the cold wasn't so bad -- it was the only aspect keeping you awake at this point.

The white walking pedestrian flickered, so you quickly attempted to cross the road with the crowd, trudging your feet forward. Suddenly noticing someone ahead of you, you quickened your steps to catch up to them. Breathless by the time you reached him, you captured his attention and the blond whipped his head to the side. Warm brown eyes fell on you, surprise lining in them. A sense of deja vu crept on you, for it visibly reminded you of your first day of school and the encounter with Kouki out on the streets.

"Good morning," you breathed out, raising a brow when he quickly averted his eyes from you.

"Morning," he responded hastily. He made no move to continue the conversation.

This was happening within the past week as well. In class, he would no longer approach you and whenever the two of you would accidentally make eye contact, he would hold it for no longer than a second. It greatly differed from the bubbly persona he always had, always popping up out of nowhere to bother you. He had been a hindrance, but he was also secretly enjoyable to have around. As hard as it was to admit it, you somewhat liked his company. Which was why it was so strange and drastic the moment he stopped doing all of these things. It was as if the roles were switched -- with you as the pest and him being the victim to an annoyance.

His pace sped up and it was so obvious by now with what he was doing. Running after him, you were happy that you weren't so out of breath anymore, since you endurance built up from school. "Hey," you said, keeping your jogging pace. He frowned in dismay, looking mildly uncomfortable, which honestly sent a pang through your chest. Were you annoying him that much? If so, then why did he approach and talk to you for all these weeks? Did he lead you on?

"Do you need something?" he asked, his voice turning unfriendly. You fought the urge to flinch from his tone.

"As a matter of fact, I do. Are you avoiding me?" you blurted, deciding to rip off the band-aid once and for all. This game of cat and mouse was personally exhausting you -- answers were needed, and they were needed now.

He laughed for a minute straight, though it didn't sound so friendly. His head shook and he patted your shoulder once, the notion of it cold. "That's funny. The world does not revolve around you, [Y/N]. Believe it or not, I do not think of you in every second of my day. I have better things to do."

"No... but..." Your voice faltered and you decided it was best to quit.

Why was he being so mean? You slowed down your pace, knitting your brows together in confusion and hurt. He went on ahead, never once looking over his shoulder, as if you didn't exist.

Your fingers curled around the handle of the schoolbag, and you let out a lone sigh as the trek towards school proceeded. Pushing the elite to the back of your mind, you figured there were a lot of other problems to deal with.

Obstinate ElitistsWhere stories live. Discover now