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When you were released from the nurse's office, the bleeding from the head had stopped and it was only midway throughout the day. Fortunately for you, you could leave school early, on account of your mother's agreement. When you had called her on your cellphone, her voice's pitch was high and full of panic. She was rather overprotective of you and upon learning this fact, no doubt were you going to take advantage of it.

Passing the hallways and the rowdy, large door that was jammed pack of students for lunch, you had a smug smile on your face. You had the rest of the day to spend it however you like -- maybe it was time to delve into the books you borrowed from the library a week ago. No ounce of regret was there, but a certain black head did cross your mind. Was Eito going to be fine at lunch alone? Of course he would, right? He had been living in this world his entire life and was much smarter than you were in terms of staying out of trouble's way.

The outside world was a breath of fresh air, less suffocating than it was this morning when you rushed to school. Man, a lot of happened today and you hadn't even been here for the whole day. It was so strange, but you learned a few interesting information about some of the characters. A magical notebook entered your mind. Would it be possible to ask it questions about them? Quickly making a mental note to do so once you arrived home, you continued the trek.

Observing the surroundings around you, you stared at the blue sky above you. It was too... blue. You sort of wished it would start raining, just so that things weren't so unnervingly perfect. The sidewalk was the same way, ridden of any cracks or daily problems nature laid out for human-made structures.

In the corner of your eye, you spotted the same two dark cladded men you saw this morning. Freezing in sight, you quickly hid behind a tree and hoped no one noticed you. Peeking out from the trunk, you were relieved to see that they were too engrossed in their conversation to pay any attention. You were also able to hear them from here; however, it was straining and all you could were hear bits and pieces.

"...he won't agree to the terms. The old shitty man doesn't know his place."

"What are we supposed to tell..."

"Just lie. We can try again later."

"Lie? Boss will easily find out and kill us."

"Then what? Tell him the truth and die now? Next time we'll be successful. We can use torture methods to force him in signing the contract."

"...burn him."

Footsteps sounded throughout the neighborhood, followed by the slam of a car door. With that, the engine started and drove away, leaving silence in its dust. You let out the breath you didn't realize you were holding and leaned on the tree for support. What the hell just happened? What was going on today, seriously? There was much more going on than you originally thought for this world. Something terrible was happening behind the scenes -- something you didn't want to be a part of. But as far as you could tell, these men wanted something from the school; why else would they be in the building this morning?

The words stuck in your head. Killing. Torture methods. Who were these people? When Riki explained the webtoon to you, all she did was fangirl about the hot characters and whatnot, or theorizing about the school system. She never once mentioned about terrifying, illegal action from god knew where. Yes, of course there had to be an antagonist in the story, but you had assumed it would be a student in the school, not some grown ass men who had a thing for murder.

No thanks, dying once was more than enough for you.

Rubbing your tired eyes in frustration, you got out of your hiding place and resumed your walk home. Your pace quickening, you no longer enjoyed the idea of skipping school. All you could think about was to get home safe and sound. That was way too close for your liking.

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