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Large brown eyes met yours, the sun reflecting into them to create a warm color. They were of a normal eye color, but somehow they looked so strange and exaggerated to you... was this really the world of webtoons? The blond boy straightened himself up and inched away from you, brushing himself off. Waiting for his apology, you stood there, unmoving like an idiot as crowds of students passed the two of you.

The stranger had wavy blond hair that were obviously perfectly curled in the mornings, falling across his forehead in soft bangs. Multiple piercings lined both of his ears, with earrings of shiny orbs and rings put into them. His uniform tucked neatly and fitting his toned body, you didn't understand why he needed to fix them again.

Losing your patience, you cleared your throat loudly and he finally stopped obsessing over his uniform. He looked at you once more, indifferent and totally unapologetic. "Pardon?" he asked. His voice lower than expected and rough near the edges of syllables.

"W-what do you mean pardon?" you spluttered, feeling equally shocked and annoyed.

"That's what I said." He shrugged at you, leaving you more agitated by the moment.

You gestured at your shoulder, scowling. "You bumped into me."

"Oh. Oh yeah. I won't make you apologize today, since it's the first day of school. You almost messed up my outfit."

Blankly staring at him, your mouth was agape. You didn't know what to say. It was supposed to be the other way around. "What?"

"You must be new then. Well, the name is Kouki. I'm one of the elites of the school," he explained.

Something dawned on you the moment he said that word: elite. Piecing it together, you assumed this guy was one of the main characters of this webtoon. If only you paid more attention to Riki when she was fretting over the hot boys of the story, so you could at least not look so foolish. What were you supposed to do? You were just a side-- or maybe even a background character, weren't you? What were you supposed to do if you encounter one of the main characters? Where were the rules? You were someone who needed rules and roles to even function.

This entire thing was giving you a massive migraine. You needed to stop overthinking before you lose your mind.

Shock was apparently apparent on your face when he said that, and he soon burst into laughter at your expression. "You finally understand," he said, smirking and looking prideful. For some reason, though you were not a violent person, you wished to slap away the crooked grin that laid on those lips. You've never met someone so infuriating... and you only met him a few minutes ago! "Anyway... I am known for my fashion, which is why you wouldn't want to cross me if you lay even a single finger on my uniform. I am a saint today though, so I hope you're grateful."

Tired of this conversation, you wordlessly picked up your pace again and resumed your way to the school. Not to your surprise, this Kouki boy decided to walk along with you. Waving his hand in front of your face, he was pouting like some spoiled, little boy not having his way.

"Hello? You can't just walk away from me like this. Did you even hear me? I'm an elite."

People were staring at you guys. Of course they were. You were walking side by side with one of the oh-so-amazing elites of the school. No one told you how annoying this one was though. You regretted ever speaking a sentence to him. Well, it was too late now, so you might as well gain some answers from him. It was not going to be too fun, but it would be a smart move before you enter the hell hole that's supposedly full of these privilege brats.

"How many elites are there?" you asked.

He seemed taken aback at your sudden question. "There were ten elites last year, but six of them graduated. There are four left and six spots open for those who want to compete for them. Oh... I guess, our spots can be taken too." Kouki scanned you up and down in judgment, causing you to be a little self conscious. What was that for? "Why? Are you trying to snatch a spot? If I'm being honest, you don't look like you can."

Obstinate ElitistsWhere stories live. Discover now